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Another blow for Mirboo North Golf Course

1 min read

LOCALS were furious when they learnt someone had torn up the tenth and eleventh greens in their car on Good Friday at the Mirboo North Golf Course, which was severely damaged in the February storm. 

Car tyres have created deep tracks in the greens and ripped up grass.

The extent of the damage is put at $500 - $600 dollars and will be a full day’s work for members to repair and refurbish the greens, according to the clubs President, Robert Clarke.
The incident occurred on Good Friday and members are extremely disappointed that someone would do this at the club that is yet to recover from the storm.
The Facebook post received 199 reactions and nearly 40 comments expressing shock, dismay and disgust at this deliberately destructive act.

- So sad to see someone thought this was a good idea. The club has been through enough. All the best to the club and members and I hope your up and golfing in the near future.

- That’s disgusting, disgraceful, who ever does this is sick in the head !!!

- What a vile act. The club has suffered enough without this.

- As though we all haven’t been through enough without this stupid person thinking that this was a good idea, does not say much about them. Suggest they volunteer to help with the clean-up of the golf course.

The club have reported the incident to police and are hoping anyone with information will come forward. 
Clean up at the club following the storm has seen delays as the South Gippsland Shire Council continue negotiating with the State Government for funding.
“No one wants to fund it,” said Robert. 
Members will start the cleanup themselves next week, which will likely exhaust the clubs existing funds and Robert is not sure what will happen with the golf course and club after that.