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Contemporary Blinky Bill browses Meeniyan IGA

2 min read

MEENIYAN IGA owner Kaelene Shervell has become a media celebrity since a koala browsed the store on Monday, chatting about the experience on ABC radio, Channel 10 news, the Today Show and with The Guardian and the Sentinel-Times.

“I’ve even had contact from a French newspaper asking for permission to use my photos,” Kaelene said, with the now famous koala pictured on the Meeniyan IGA Facebook page as he checks out the product range.

Kaelene was pleased to see the good news story putting smiles on people’s faces, and while the koala only browsed for about 20 minutes, he fitted in plenty of exploring.

“It was a long 20 minutes because he didn’t want to leave,” Kaelene said of the visit from the modern-day Blinky Bill, explaining she was concerned about his safety and not wanting to stress him out.

“I was more stressed than him,” she concluded.

The intrepid marsupial spent time behind the counter, being lured out by staff member Jye Davey who brandished gum leaves.

However, getting the furry browser out of the store proved a real challenge as he was intent on wandering further into the shop.

“We were using the little trolley to try and herd him back out the door but he was rushing to get past,” Kaelene said.

“He took a little tour down the aisle and back up again, then came over to the water bottles and had a look at the soft toys."

A close inspection of dried herbs and spices also appealed, with a climb up the display rack.

The koala was encouraged to move onto a platform ladder that was on wheels.

“We slowly moved it away and then we wheeled it out the front door and around the back of the shop and he disembarked,” Kaelene said.

The koala found his way into a neighbour’s gum tree after being kept safe from cars.

Kaelene said staff, customers and other local business operators worked together to determine the best approach, with a customer contacting a wildlife expert who provided advice, including not crowding the koala or trying to pick him up.

She was relieved he made it back where he belongs, saying the visit was the first such experience at the store and hopefully the last for the sake of the wildlife.

The wildlife rescue worker arrived after the koala was removed from the store, confirming it is male and judging by its size likely young.

While nobody thought to name the visitor during his time in the store, the ‘modern day Blinky Bill’ tag was suggested in a social media post.

Kaelene joked on ABC Regional Radio about having a naming competition but is happy to leave the koala in peace in his own environment.

‘Blinky’ proved an indecisive shopper, leaving empty-handed, perhaps having failed to spot any eucalyptus products.