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Dedicated farmer and Mental Health advocate enters Bass Coast election race

1 min read

LOCAL council election candidate Nikole Schellekens has emerged as a formidable contender, bringing a unique blend of experience and passion to politics. With a background as a farmer and a mother of two, Nikole is deeply entrenched in the mental health sector, boasting a career spanning two decades – where she has worked in community mental health crisis teams and is currently supporting military veterans.

Standing as a candidate for the Western Port Ward in the Bass Coast Shire Council, Nikole’s recent completion of her Masters in Mental Health, with a focus on the mental health of Australian farmers further underscores her commitment to addressing pressing issues in the community.

As the election season unfolds, voters can expect to engage with a candidate who combines personal experience, professional expertise, and a strong dedication to advocating for the well-being of residents.

I am eager to engage with members of our community who may have insights, ideas, or feedback pertinent to our ward's future, both during the election period and beyond, should I have the privilege of serving as your council representative,” said Nikole.

“I have served as President of San Remo Preschool for three years, recently co-founded the Bass Playgroup, and have volunteered with the CFA and various business associations. My dedication to serving our local community is unwavering.”

“I believe in building on these strengths to further enhance our region by engaging with the community, expanding our services and supporting our land,” Nikole explained.

Living and working within the Bass Coast Shire, Nikole had seen firsthand the impact that local government decisions can have on the lives of residents. That's why when the opportunity arose for her to run for the Western Port Ward seat, Nikole knew she had to seize it.

“I have a deep passion for rural communities and supporting those in mental health crisis,” said Nikole. “I am eager to bring my experience, passion, and dedication to council, working together to strengthen and support our community."