Grand Prix and PICAL team up to support families

WITH the preparations for the Animoca Brands Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix 2022 well-underway, PICAL has some exciting news as part of their Official Charity Partnership.

The Australian Grand Prix Corporation (AGPC) will be donating all leftover, but still very edible food, from the event to PICAL’s Emergency Food Relief Pantry.

This food will be distributed to those families and people in the local community who are struggling to put food on the table.

PICAL manager Greg Thompson said, “We are very grateful for this very generous offer, it will really help our supplies.”

“We will cook and/or freeze whatever we can, to stretch out the shelf-life and availability of this donated food supply. We will commence distributing this food, from the afternoon of Monday 17 October 2022 throughout the week, and I encourage anyone who is struggling, to collect some of this food from PICAL.”

AGPC will also be donating all the floral arrangements used at the event to PICAL.

Many of these have already been organised to go to local Phillip Island events in the week following, and some will go to all their hardworking volunteers.

“We encourage anyone who may need these floral arrangements in the week following the Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix, or anyone who simply wants to brighten up their homes, to contact PICAL on 5952 1131,” Mr Thompson continued.

These floral arrangements will also be distributed as from Monday, October 17.

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