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Korumburra Men’s Shed advances

1 min read

WORKS are progressing in the new home of Korumburra Men’s Shed as it is transformed from its previous life as a locomotive shed.

The framework is now in place for an office, a meeting room that will include a kitchenette and a toilet block.

Existing walls in the workshop are being lined with Oriented Strand Board (OSB), and an additional wall will be created to separate the workshop from a storage space.

The build is being led by retired tradies and Korumburra Men’s Shed members Matt Thompson and Ken Miller.

While the men moved in about 18 months ago, it is only five or six months since they got the official go-ahead to commence works, following a lengthy period of obtaining required planning and building permits.

Long-term member John Davies explained the men are doing all the work they can themselves, excluding plumbing and electrical tasks.

The members helping with the build are a mixture of former tradies and others keen to assist.

Progress has also taken place outside the building, with required concreting done to provide accessible parking and a crossover, which was recently completed thanks to grants through VicTrack and the South Gippsland Shire Council.

John said the internal works are expected to be finished in the New Year.

The project to transform the existing railway building into a Men’s Shed was made possible through an $80,000 State Government grant.

John explained that the grant was obtained two years ago based on costings at the time, with the men having now had to apply for further grants to help with the dramatic rise in building costs since then.

However, Korumburra Men’s Shed has received some assistance to reduce costs.

“We are extremely grateful to Shaun Hill and the team at Fisher’s Timber & Hardware,” John said, explaining the local business has provided sponsorship and the best possible prices for building materials.

Korumburra Men’s Shed members continue to enjoy catching up at their new home as they look forward to its completion.