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Petition calls for access for all at Agnes Falls

1 min read

By Friends of Agnes Falls

SEPTEMBER 2024 is here already. 

Agnes Falls’ latest visitation figure for August 2024 has been ascertained at 1446. 

Following the recent storms and strong winds, a number of small trees have blown over, and there is a lot of debris strewn across the carpark, and along the walking tracks.

Let’s hope all the stormy weather has passed.

The Agnes Falls themselves are looking quite spectacular at present, after all the recent rains.

As a matter of interest, here is an informative statistic:

According to the official pedestrian counter installed by Parks Victoria in 2015, the total number of people viewing the beautiful falls between May 2015 and end of August 2024 is 331,046.

That is an average of around 34,500 per year – perhaps you were one of them.

A month ago, on August 7, Gippsland South MLA Danny O’Brien visited the Agnes Falls Reserve and met with Matt, who recently started the 

Petition for All Abilities Access at the Agnes Falls.

Also on site was local resident David, along with Paula, in her electric wheelchair, who did find her visit somewhat challengingly, especially the steep slope between the picnic ground and edge of the carpark, currently an alternative entrance into the Reserve if not using the steps.

Committee members of the Friends of Agnes Falls (FoAF) will be meeting with several Parks Victoria officers and local rangers onsite at the Agnes Falls, to work on some possible future strategies for improvements at the Scenic Reserve over the coming years.

In light of the recently posted petition (Petition · Demand All Ability Access at Agnes Falls Scenic Reserve - Australia · Change.org), the committee hopes the meeting will have some positive outcomes.

If you haven’t checked out the petition yet, the committee invites you to do so, and add your signature to the 1000+ plus who have already shown their support.

As always, if you may be interested to join the volunteer community group FoAF, please contact secretary Kathy on 0419 344 867, or email friendsofagnesfalls@gmail.com for further information. 

You will be made most welcome.