AFTER an absence of a couple of years over the COVID restrictions period, the scarecrows are back in Meeniyan promoting the upcoming Garlic Festival on Saturday, February 18.
Unfortunately, they are once again attracting the attention of thieves and vandals, according to residents.
The current collection of scarecrows has been lovingly created by a team of local volunteers who have given many hours to making them, so are very disappointed to see the results of their hard work pilfered, purloined or just plain wrecked.
The makers can only presume this has been done as acts of fun because, whilst the value of the labour involved is quite extensive, the value of the scarecrows wouldn’t even buy a car radio in a pub!
The organisers of the Meeniyan Garlic Festival, in support of their loyal and active volunteers, are offering a reward to anyone who finds or recovers a scarecrow, so he or she can make it back to their home on the streets of Meeniyan.
Check the Garlic Festival Facebook site for contact details.
Tiger snake caught in Wonthaggi’s main street
A TIGER snake slithering down Graham Street in Wonthaggi at lunchtime today caused a bit of a stir among shoppers. All the attention from fascinated pedestrians drove the reptile, which was seen to be coming from the taxi rank, to seek sanctuary in...