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‘Bullying and intimidation’ over Island roads scheme

7 min read

THERE were some extraordinary allegations made at the Bass Coast Shire Council meeting last Wednesday, March 15, that opponents of the Surf Beach Sunderland Bay Special Charge Scheme had resorted to bullying and intimidation to get their way with the $30 million roads and drainage project.

Members of the ‘Say No to the Sunderland Bay Surf Beach Special Charge Scheme’, including Maxine Sando, say such claims, including those made at the meeting by Cr Rochelle Halstead are “absolute rubbish”.

“We don’t know where they are getting this from. We don’t know anything about an 80-year-old being bullied. We’re fuming about it.”

But Cr Halstead is adamant the reports about opponents of the scheme behaving badly are bona fide.

And a local resident of Surf Beach, who wishes to remain anonymous, has confirmed that the aggressive, abusive and deliberately misleading approach of some opponents of the scheme has been a feature of the process so far.

“The people who were doing the petition were just on a mission to get people to sign,” she said.

“They’ve tried to scare people about the cost of the project, saying they’ll be up for $40,000 or $50,000; that they might even lose their house.

“I know for a fact that [name] told one resident to ‘go back to the suburbs’ when she said she was sick of the dust and wanted it to go ahead.

“People’s health is being affected by these roads. You can’t walk up the street when it’s dusty.

“I feel for Luke Bryant (Senior Design Engineer at Bass Coast Shire Council) and the councillors, the abuse they’ve copped when they have genuinely listened to what people want.”

That’s not how Maxine Sando and the ‘Say No’ group see it.

“They’ve pretty much gone ahead and done what they like,” she said of council choosing Concept Option 1 last week.

Option 1 details sealing roads, installing underground drainage and associated kerb and channel, installing one concrete footpath on all road reserves and traffic calming with speed humps.

Each option calls for the installation of downstream wetlands, Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) swales in nature strips and the sealing tourist car parks along The Esplanade.

“We agree that the dust and the drainage is a problem, but they haven’t maintained the drains and a program of dust suppressant would solve the dust problem without turning the area into suburbia,” said Ms Sando.

“People came down here for a natural coastal environment. They don’t want it urbanised, but council won’t listen to realistic, low-cost options.

“Some people simply can’t afford it,” she said.

“They’ve trumped up these bullying and intimidation allegations now because they’re worried they don’t have the numbers.”

What Cr Rochelle Halstead said

“I'd also like to acknowledge that this proposal has caused considerable emotion across Surf Beach and Sunderland Bay and it has been a long four months, with four rounds of community engagement conducted.

“It does saddened me to hear reports of intimidation and bullying tactics that have been used throughout the community, to the point I did read, recently, an 80-year-old lady being bailed up in her kitchen with people trying to convince her to vote a certain way.

“I've received daily emails both for and against the proposal, offering varying points of view and what's come from this engagement is now before us in a preferred concept plan that offers minimal cost, least impact on the environment and retains the characteristics of the area; all three of the most important aspects that were highlighted by the community themselves.

“The decision today is not to see the work begin, but to progress to the next stage where all information inclusive of cost is provided to allow an informed decision.

“Residents who feel bullied or intimidated have a right not to engage with anyone they don't feel comfortable talking to, and I would encourage them to access factual information through the Engage Bass Coast website.

“I will be supporting the recommendation and I would highlight that further opportunity for submissions against and for the proposal will be provided.”

Cr Brett Tessari’s experience

I sat at the Inverloch council offices about four years ago when we voted on the Pioneer Bay scheme and I said then that this is never ideal, when you're talking road schemes with the community, but the difference it makes on people's lives is incredible.

“I remember, and I'm going to touch back on the same story I said then, I remember growing up in Broome Crescent living on a dirt road with parents that didn't have two cents to rub together and the road scheme came through and they went on the pay-off system and it made our lives so much better to be able to get out onto the sealed roads and the footpaths and such. The community that didn't want to have to pay for it but did, they loved it.

“We then moved to North Wonthaggi onto a dirt road and sure enough, another scheme came through and once again my parents went on the play-off system and once again as a 15-year-old kid, being able to be up on that that road, maybe not doing the right thing, but we were playing cricket and such out on the road and it was a much better amenity and a much better lifestyle.

“So, it's not ideal, I understand it, I've seen my parents go through it, but I've also seen the difference it's made to the people at Pioneer Bay that were adamant that they didn't want it, and it's now magic down in that area.

“And I encourage the community to do the same thing and again, we've already discussed bullying with one of the councillors before. These people will always come out and try and be aggressive and sit behind their computer screens but I look out in the gallery at the ones that were expecting to come and voice their opinions today, and there's no one. So be strong, be brave stick up for what you want but it’s a good thing for the community.

Cr Clare Le Serve wrapped it up

“As Cr Tessari just said, there have been many examples of communities that have residents where we put these schemes together before that have opposed them but once the road and drainage scheme is done, I don't believe I've had any comeback saying that they didn't appreciate the benefits of that upgrade to their community.

“This type of scheme creates a generational benefit to themselves and their community. You buy and you sell and if you're living in a dust free environment with better amenities, it’s a better outcome for all.

“So, I believe that at this point, the recommendation is that we accept the preferred option to move forward so that people can get it appropriate costings. I will say that Council has a payment option plan for special charge schemes and people need to consider those when they get all the information and to look on the Engage Bass Coast website as Cr Halstead has said.”

The next step for council is to get Option 1 properly costed and the share of the cost to be borne by each of the owners of the 1033 properties calculated.

If the decision to issue the notice of intention occurs, all property owners would be notified by registered post, and provided details on the individual property owners' estimated contribution amount.

Property owners will then have 28 days to lodge submissions to object or support the project.

“If over 50% of property owners lodge submissions of objection to the proposed special charge scheme, then in accordance with legislation the project cannot proceed. If less than 50% objections are received, then Council will decide on whether to declare a special charge scheme.”

This statement in the Minutes of the March 15, 2023 council meeting seems to be at odds with a commitment given by council, in its January 2023 Newsletter (issue 5) to property owners, that non-responses would not be counted as yes or no votes.

“Non-responses - The amount of property owners that do not respond to community consultation and do not support or oppose the proposed project and associated special charge scheme if it is considered at a future Council are not counted as yes or no votes.”

It will be crucial to the final result how council views non-responders when making its final decision to go ahead with the Sunderland Bay Surf Beach scheme or abandon it.