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Cr Rochelle Halstead is new Bass Coast Shire Council Mayor

2 min read

THE new Bass Coast Shire Council has presented a perfectly united face to the community with a single nomination for both its new mayor and deputy mayor.

Elected unopposed for her first term as mayor is Cr Rochelle Halstead, who was passed over at the last moment by the previous regime when they elected former Cr Clare Le Serve as the final mayor of their reign.

Former mayor Cr Brett Tessari, expected to be a candidate for the top job has instead been elected deputy mayor already showing commendable support for Cr Halstead in her first meeting in the chair.

Here's what Cr Halstead had to say on receiving the unanimous support of the new council:

Twenty years ago, I had to walk away from a role that I loved, and so today feels like full circle for me, but this time, I come from a different perspective, with so much more life experience and professional development behind me.

“I'm grateful to councillors in this room today who have had limited opportunity to build a strong working relationship with me, but have, through their support today, shown great trust in my ability to represent them and the Bass Coast Shire.

“Our community have chosen well with this group. We will all bring a professional approach to the challenges Bass Coast faces and a willingness to tackle those challenges together.

“So I thank you councillors. One does not get to such a privileged position without the support of so many. Thank you to my community, who not only gave me the opportunity to represent them, but encouraged me to seek the position of mayor. You know who you are, and here we are. We're here.

“Thank you to my family and my amazingly supportive husband, Tony, who recognised my love for community and has been my biggest cheerleader. Thank you to the executive leadership team and to the broader Bass Coast Council staff, who do an amazing job under significant scrutiny, and are always willing to offer assistance when needed, for councillors and in the role of mayor.

“From what I've witnessed, I look forward to working with this wonderfully united team of councillors, and it certainly has been united over the last week or so that we've been together, and I'm really looking forward to working with you.

“So, thank you for your trust in me and I will do my very, very best not to let you down. Thank you.”