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It’s official: No ‘contamination’ on Wonthaggi home sites

3 min read
How was it even possible that the government could impose a highly-restrictive new planning overlay on homes and titled blocks (like these) that had already passed all of the planning and building appprovals at the time - without evidence, explanation or consultation?

THE residents knew it. The developers of the land knew it. The shire knew it. We all knew it!

There was no contamination of the former Wonthaggi farming land turned into a 5000-block residential expansion precinct and the latest environmental assessments have proved it.

The only organization that didn’t know it, or said they didn’t know it, was the State Government’s Victorian Planning Authority which on January 18, 2024, without consultation with the owners of affected homes and building blocks, slapped a retrospective Environmental Audit Overlay on their titles.

Now, all 621 affected blocks have been cleared of the risk of contamination, if there ever was any.

Not one block, not one has been assessed as needing an environmental audit.

On Friday, July 5, the Bass Coast Shire Council issued the latest of its EAO Updates with further good news for homeowners and building block owners who may be waiting to start building.

All that remains is for the State Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny, as promised, to introduce a new amendment to the Bass Coast Shire Council Planning Scheme, removing the EAO blight from impacted titles.

On that score, Bass MP Jordan Crugnale has repeated earlier assurances.

"Since I was made aware of this issue I have advocated for the EAO to be removed and for the proper process to be expedited as quickly as possible," said Ms Crugnale this week.

"I know how stressful this has been for all involoved.

"I am pleased the council-led PRSA has cleared all the blocks in the general residential zone. I am told that the amendment to remove the EAO is being prepared and prioritised by both the Minister and Department of Transport and Planning and I would expect it to be gazetted in the next few weeks."

But, it's hard to expect homeowners and building block owners to be jumping for joy. Here's a sentiment expressed online that's typical of the residents' feelings:

"Our street next week, but why aren't we jumping for joy? This whole debacle was a complete waste of taxpayers' money. It caused unnecessary stress and anxiety to hundreds of families. I'll remember this when the council elections come up."

Notwithstanding the fact that the shire actually advised the VPA not to introduce wholesale EAOs, the council's sins were that they didn't go public with the impasse, almost certainly having the plan overturned in 2022 with community support. And they took no action after the EAOs were introduceed on existing homes and titled blocks on January 18 this year, with the indication being that they didn't even know what had just happended.

Here’s what Greg Box CEO of the Bass Coast Shire Council said today, Friday, July 5, 2024

Good afternoon, I am writing today you with further good news on issue of the Wonthaggi North-East Environmental Audit Overlay.

Yesterday we received the report from our Environmental Auditor, PRENSA for Parklands and Powlett Ridge. These 195 properties have been cleared with no further investigations required.

A report has also been prepared for Parklands Stage 7, this report was commissioned by the developer and also states that no further investigations are required, this report covered 21 properties.

This now means that all 621 properties in the General Residential Zone (GRZ) have had their PRSAs successfully completed.

I wrote to the Planning Minister today to request they facilitate a planning scheme amendment to remove the Environmental Audit Overlay (EAO) from the properties above.

This means Northern Views, Summerfields Estate, Parklands and Powlett Ridge are all now with the Minister for action. We are hopeful this will result in the removal of the overlay from these properties.

Thank you once again for your patience. Please feel welcome to contact our planning team if you have any questions, email planningapplications@basscoast.vic.gov.au or call 5671 2211 during business hours. Kind regards, Greg Box, Chief Executive Officer Bass Coast Shire Council.