Responses from some local candidates but not others

IF YOU’RE not already sick of hearing about the local council elections, you will be.

In the past week, the Victorian Electoral Commission finalized the list of candidates for Bass Coast and South Gippsland, conducted the ballot draw and on Friday, issued their questionnaire response on the VEC website.

Of the 22 candidates contesting the nine vacancies on the Bass Coast Shire Council, only veteran Bunurong councillor Les Larke declined to fill out the questionnaire in full.

Asked, “what is your vision for the municipality of Bass Coast”, Cr Larke responded “refer candidate statement”. And to the question of his “expertise or attributes” for the role, he responded again “refer candidate statement”.

In South Gippsland, four candidates declined to complete the questionnaire including the Mayor Cr Claire Williams and Brad Snell in the Tarwin Valley ward, Bron Beech in Strzelecki and Steve Finlay in Coastal Promontory.

The candidate statements will come out with the voting pack, posted over four days from Monday, October 7.

Here’s an example of what some of the others had to say. It’s your decision whether Cr Larke was right not to add his thoughts.,

David Rooks vision for Bass Coast (Island): A resilient community who are connected to, and experience a sense of belonging to their local area. A community living and working sustainably, who give back to their environment increasing biodiversity and habitat levels.

Darrell Silva’s vision (Island): My vision for Bass Coast and particularly Phillip Island covers three areas; Transparent and accountable decision making. Policies and strategies based on community consultation. Delivering financially sustainable infrastructure and services for Bass Coast and Phillip Island residents and visitors alike.

What Rochelle Halstead would like to see (Western Port): To ensure a council that is focused on the core responsibilities that provide for a healthy, happy and connected community. One that encourages a thriving economy to support and sustain its population with policies to enhance and protect our natural environment. One that is financially balanced with community top priority.

Brian O’Farrell’s vision (Western Port): My vision for the shire is a respected council that cost-effectively delivers essential services and maintains infrastructure to foster prosperity in each of its diverse communities. Councillors and leadership group committed to balancing the principles of economic and environmental sustainability, community engagement, social inclusion, transparency, accountability, sensitive development and responsive governance.

Leticia Laing’s vision for Bass Coast (Bunurong): A thriving community that has quality facilities, a strong local economy providing opportunities for everyone, while protecting and enhancing our natural spaces.

Eddie Halaijian (Bunurong): My vision for our municipality is to foster a vibrant, inclusive community with sustainable growth. I aim to enhance local services, support small businesses, improve infrastructure, and champion local sports teams. Additionally, I am committed to protecting our natural environment and addressing ecological challenges for a healthier community.

For all the responses to the questionnaire, type the following into your browser ‘VEC Bass Coast candidates’ and hit the red ‘Find candidates’ button. Or follow the links HERE (Bass Coast) and HERE (South Gippsland).

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