Shetland Heights Road near completion

THE $1.99 million San Remo - Shetland Heights Road project was anticipated to be completed by the end of June 2023 – weather permitting, and Bass Coast Shire Council have confirmed the works is nearing completion.

The contractor completed the asphalt wearing course on Thursday, June 29 and detour signs on the Phillip Island Road were in until July 7, while the Contractor undertakes minor balance works.

Access for all residents is available and 40kmph temporary speed signs will be in place during the balance works.

The remaining line marking, nature strip restoration and signage works will be completed on Friday, July 7, 2023.

The project included the installation of new pavement and sealing of the road, a new concrete path as well as installation of kerb and channel at selected locations and associated drainage.

The project was jointly funded by the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program and Council.

Completion of the project is just in time for term three, allowing safer travel for students to Bass Coast College and San Remo Primary School, and helps the community better commute to the town centre of San Remo.

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