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Watch and Act for bushfire at The Gurdies

2 min read

9AM UPDATE FROM CFA: There is a bushfire in The Gurdies Nature Reserve.

Firefighters from CFA and FFMV are currently on scene.

About 10 people who live on the nearby Woodland Close Reserve have evacuated their homes.

The fire has burned three hectares and firefighters have been able to slow the spread of fire for now, but the situation can change at any time.


UPDATE (December 19): A WATCH and Act had been issued for a bushfire at The Gurdies with those on Woodland Close advised to prepare to evacuate.

The grass fire is travelling in a northerly direction from The Gurdies Nature Conservation Reserve towards Woodland Close off Gurdies - St Helier Road.

Those nearby are have been told to stay close to a building where you can shelter is the safest option.

Eighteen trucks are responding to a bushfire at The Gurdies this afternoon which started around 3.28pm. It’s understood the fire near Gurdies-St Helier Road is not yet under control.

Advice from VicEmergency:

Watch and Act message is being issued for The Gurdies.

  • There is a grassfire at The Gurdies that is not yet under control.
  • This grassfire is travelling in a northerly direction from The Gurdies NCR towards Woodland Close off Gurdies St Helier Road.

Staying close to a building where you can shelter is the safest option, as conditions can change suddenly.

Continue to stay informed and monitor conditions.

What you should do:

  • Monitor changes, including increased wind speed, change in wind direction, smoke or poor visibility that indicates the situation is changing. 
  • If you are away from home, do not return.

If the situation changes you will need to leave quickly. Plan to:

  • Take your pets, medications, mobile phone and charger.
  • Travel to the home of family or friends that are away from the warning area.
  • Emergency services may not be able to help you if you decide to stay.

Impacts in your area:

  • Grassfires can start and spread quickly, and are extremely dangerous.
  • Fire fighters are on scene

This message was issued by Country Fire Authority.

The next update is expected by 19/12/2024 07:30 pm or as the situation changes.

Use multiple sources to stay informed:


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