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‘Thanks for coming’ Premier gets emotional welcome to Mirboo North

1 min read

IT WAS an emotional Mark Bourke, a resident of one of the hardest hit streets of Mirboo North, Balding Street in the centre of town, who was among those to first welcome the Premier Jacinta Allan on her first visit to the town as Premier on Friday this week.

Also in town to survey the damage and commit the Coalition’s support was Opposition Leader John Pesutto.

“It’s great she’s come out here to see what has happened and what needs to be done,” said Mr Bourke after giving the Premier an account of what happened on Tuesday afternoon when a cyclonic micro-burst of weather hit the town with 125km/h winds, hail and a surge of natural energy that many could scarcely believe at the time, let alone come to terms with the damage caused.

He also expressed his appreciation for the efforts of Gippsland South MP Danny O’Brien for being one of the first people on the scene at the start of the response on Wednesday.

It was Mark Bourke who first highlighted the need for a bigger emergency response and acknowledge that he was pleased now with the effort that had kicked into gear, supporting the incredible work of the townsfolk and local emergency service professionals and volunteers.

The Premier acknowledged that while there had been reports of 16 homes destroyed in South Gippsland, the numbers of homes and other property impacted in Mirboo North was still being assessed.

State Opposition Leader John Presutto with local MPs Danny O'Brien and Melina Bath chat with South Gippsland Shire recreation officer Ian Murphy at the damaged Mirboo North Swimming Pool on Friday.