Next step for Island to become carbon neutral

PLANS have been approved for a community energy storage system which could see Phillip Island become the first ‘fully’ sustainable tourist hot spot. 

According to Bass Coast Shire, the Phillip Island Community Energy Storage System (PICESS) will offer greater reliability in electricity supply for the Island, especially during peak holiday periods and could potentially slash power bills, with residents able to use the grid to store their power.

The Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) has given planning approval for the installation of the 5MW/10MWh battery, which has been dubbed the Big Batter, near the village of Wimbledon Heights, Phillip Island.

Totally Renewable Phillip Island (TRPI) and the Energy Innovation Cooperative (EI Coop) are working closely with Mondo and Bass Coast Shire Council on the project, with a vision for Phillip Island to be carbon neutral and 100 per cent renewable by 2030.

They are also working together on two other battery projects, made possible by two state government grants of more than $500,000 DELWP’s Neighbourhood Battery Initiative.

The first grant will help determine the feasibility of a network of street level batteries on the Island to boost the ability of the electricity network, to host larger volumes of renewable power on the grid.
The second grant will fund a 12-month trial of 100 participants of the PICESS battery once installation is complete. 

It will explore cutting-edge tariff arrangements to support ‘virtual storage’ for people on the Island.

Household generated renewable energy, for example power generated from household solar systems, would be shared through innovative tariff trial structures with other Island residents who cannot currently access renewable energy, creating a local renewable energy production and shared resource.

As part of the tariff trial, the initiative will assess whether the new system will result in cheaper electricity bills by storing renewable energy in a community battery, rather than property owners having to purchase their own household batteries.

TRPI coordinator Zoe Geyer said what started as a concept five years ago was fast becoming a reality for the community.

“This is a new energy future that benefits everyone on the Island and gives people ownership and a sense of pride,” Ms Geyer said.

“Our community has a strong vision to be totally renewable by 2030 - which is 20 years ahead of the Federal and State targets.

“Bass Coast Shire has answered the community call and released a Climate Change Action Plan to meet this target. The arrival of the Big Battery (PICESS) on the Island, alongside these two great explorations into community access to locally-generated renewable energy and storage, pave the way for a just transition to a sustainable future that leaves no-one behind."

Bass Coast Council has agreed to host the community battery on Council land.

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