Letters to the editor
Champion local residents

A CONSISTENT theme runs through many of the letters to the editor about the qualities local ratepayers wish to see in their prospective candidates for the approaching council elections.

I think the following truism captures the essence of the feedback and should act as guide to all candidates. 

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 

That does mean, if elected, please listen to your constituents, and in the knowledge of what matters to them within the Bass Coast council precinct, advocate for them and be a champion of initiatives to satisfy local needs. 

It does not mean baying at the moon and wasting scarce council funds on national and global issues about which you and council will never have influence or control.

I think many ratepayers would love to see a council charter developed to encapsulate these simple principles, and to have all councillors be prepared to stand accountable annually relative to those principles.

David Jones, Inverloch

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