Letters to the editor
Environmental Audit Overlay – a final few words!

TO OUR knowledge all 630 properties affected have had the EAO lifted, no one has been left out and no contamination found. The Community Action Group has now completed its work but still reserves the right to reform if there are any complications. 

The Action Group was incredibly busy, engaging with all levels of the community and government, strongly lobbying and advocating for the removal of this unnecessary “blight”. The signing of the Petition to Parliament was a key plank in this strategy and the debate recently was the final saga in the process. 

The Government had the opportunity to explain how this debacle was allowed to happen and what they had done to fix the situation. What a feeble result to say the least! And the Minister and our local member couldn’t even be bothered attending and the Government not interested! 

Finally, there was some minor acknowledgement of the stress caused but still no apology and a real lack of respect throughout. 

There is instead a clear picture of poor management, poor information and no real appreciation of the indisputable damage the EAO had on our own residents. And again, this need not have happened!

The incredible “backflip” was brought about by the incredible support and pressure from the residents and community friends who banded together to ensure justice. It was an inspirational effort! 

The people cruelly affected by the EAO will no doubt remember what happened to them at a later time. 

John Duscher, Community Action Group

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