Letters to the editor
It’s about community not council

I AM a candidate in the forthcoming Bass Coast Council election for Island Ward. On Monday night I witnessed our community at work when I shared a meal at St Johns Church, Cowes.

To see two churches, St Philips, which provided its commercial kitchen, and St Johns, for the dining facilities, coming together was nothing short of inspiring. Greg and his volunteers are to be highly commended for making this happen.

I would also like to make a special mention to the Newhaven school students who served the food, showing how a community can work together.

The people participating in this evening were mainly of an advanced age and I asked them what their main issues were concerning Bass Coast Council – rates being higher than Melbourne, no pool (in particular a hydrotherapy pool), concerns about parking facilities and no regular bus services on the island that service outlying hamlets – were their responses.

If elected to Council my immediate task would be to overturn the recent Council decision to not rezone the carnival site. This would make it shovel ready for a start on the recreation precinct, which would include sports ovals and a pool, when funds become available.

I would oppose any move by Council on reducing parking in Cowes or installing parking meters as most residents of Phillip Island are car dependent. I would also support the rate cap.

The Island needs a better bus service that services the hamlets of Phillip Island, and we can’t wait for Council to trial a possible EV version sometime in the future. We need a bus service now!

The ratepayers of Bass Coast need Councillors that are prepared to work with Council officers on behalf of the ward and that their voices are heard. We need to deliver services that are within council budget.

We need to check and evaluate plans presented by Council Officers, such as the Building Asset Management Plan Bass Coast.

The Shire ex-Mayor, Cr Michael Whelan, was full of praise of this modelling and he stated Council was at the cutting edge of forecasting. He said he was proud of it. Did he even bother to read and evaluate the asset plan prepared by consultants? The answer is no! There was a discrepancy of $802,079,971 in valuations which was acknowledge by Council officers.

We deserve Better and together we can do better.

Vote 1 John Trigt for Island Ward.

John Trigt, Phillip Island
(Authorised by J Trigt Po Box 6076 Cowes 3922).

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