Letters to the editor
Long term, non-politically motivated solution needed

I ATTENDED the rally held by the Inverloch foreshore protection group on Sunday.  

While I agree that it is of the utmost importance to save the Surf Life Saving Club from the long-term coastal erosion which has occurred in Inverloch, I found that the rally was very one solution focused and politically motivated.

There was no scientific based evidence offered that would convince me that “hard engineering”, rock walls, groynes and the like are going to solve the problem.

The majority of the speakers were from the Liberal party who seemed more interested in scoring political points rather than solving the problem. There was a lot of emotive language used, misinformation and a lack of diversity of opinions. 

If this was a truly a balanced presentation, there were other “uninvited attendees” present with a strong interest. I would like to have heard from Deb Leonard (Federal Independent candidate in the upcoming election) and Mat Morgan (local councillor). 

It is worth looking at the Loch Sport (also fronting Bass Strait) experience over the last 30 years where over 70 engineering structures mostly groynes were installed with limited success.  These structures require ongoing and expensive management.  

Who will pay for this? As a resident living close to the surf club, I am concerned that we get a well-researched, long-term solution and not an emotive, political, waste of money band aid fix.

Julianne King, Inverloch

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