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Our Vietnam Veterans

1 min read

LADIES and gentlemen, as we gathered on Vietnam Veterans Day, it was a time for reflection, remembrance, and gratitude. We came together to honour the brave men and women who served in the Vietnam War, to pay tribute to their sacrifices, their courage, and their unwavering dedication to our country.

For many, the bonds formed during their time in Vietnam are unbreakable. They were brothers and sisters in arms, companions in the darkest of times, and the support system when everything else seemed to falter. On Sunday, we acknowledged and saluted their efforts, their resilience, and their camaraderie that sustained them through the toughest of times.

But we also must acknowledge the hard times that many of them faced upon their return from Vietnam. They were met with indifference, misunderstanding, and even hostility from society, as they struggled to reintegrate and find their place once more. The challenges they faced were immense, and the scars, both physical and emotional, ran deep.

And while the RSL, an organisation that they had hoped would provide them with support and understanding, did not always stand by them in those difficult times, we must remember and appreciate their service and assistance in later years although there are many that find it hard to forget. Despite the shortcomings, we know now that many within the RSL do their best to support us, to advocate for us, and to ensure that our sacrifices were/are not forgotten.

So, as we honour our mates, as we remember their service, and as we acknowledge the hard times they faced upon their return, let us also express our gratitude to the RSL for their efforts, however imperfect they may have been. Let us remember that we are stronger together, that our bonds of camaraderie and support can overcome any obstacle, and that our service and sacrifices will never be in vain. Lest we forget.

Lindsay Guerin, Inverloch