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Wonthaggi’s contamination crisis and council

3 min read

CONGRATULATIONS to Michael Giles on his commentary in last week’s issue of The Sentinel Times (30/4/24). Just in case you missed it here is the last two paragraphs:

“But it finally calls out their (Council’s) preoccupation with a woke agenda for what it is, including whether the Cowes cultural centre should be called Berninneit or Mogarmarlarly Murk, whether they’ve dotted the I’s and crossed the T’s on their Gender Equality Action Plan, made enough progress on the Climate Change Action Plan, convinced people to vote ‘Yes’ or given enough priority to the former mayor’s favourite community organisation, Totally Renewable Phillip Island”.

“Ticking off on compliance, transparency of governance and getting the shire’s planning settings right are first order priorities. You can get on with leading the national debate on gender equality, reconciliation, climate change, the flag, the national anthem and all the rest when you’ve discharged your statutory responsibilities to the people”.

Bass Coast Council has become one of the most woke council ever, previously headed up by the former Mayor Michael Whelan who cannot see the woods for the trees and has totally lost the plot. It’s time we removed him and his four other left wing woke councillor cronies. Let’s get on with some real government and tackle the real issues.

The fiasco left by the contamination crisis in North Wonthaggi is an absolute disaster. All controlled by the secrets, cancel culture and non-advice by our previous mayors starting with Jordan Crugnale.

Why she could not be bothered to read the 2016 contamination report is beyond me. That was her job. She also has to be held responsible for the cost of the clean-up and replaced as our State Member of Parliament. I find it interesting that Glenda Parks letter states that it could be “a cruel attempt to raise revenue” assumably by the State Government. I wouldn’t put it past them. This State Government has been financially mismanaged and is totally broke. Thanks again Jordan – it’s your government, so your responsibility.

Congratulations to Frank Schooneveldt for his letter last week. Council’s Budget is also a fiasco and unaccountable. If Council claims it is a “Modest” Budget then they are just not doing the job they are paid to do and we end up with nothing. “Modest” is also a word only used by left wing Labor, like Albanese, when they are trying to hide something. Where is the money for the Roads, Rates and Rubbish? We need a Budget that actually fixes things not some woke namby pamby wishy washy account of what we can’t do – like not building a swimming pool in Cowes. Like not redeveloping the old Secondary school in Wonthaggi. Like not finishing the footpaths in Inverloch. Like not building roads in San Remo. And what about Western Port Bay that has been so neglected?

Come on Council – respond. Greg Box, a lot of this was before your time, but lift your game and show some responsibility and action, and clear out your woke dead wood. Let’s have a debate and discussion on these issues because Council and some Councillors are sure not doing the job that they are paid to do!

Rob Parsons, The Gurdies