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34th Annual South Gippsland Orchid Show

1 min read

BLOOMING marvellous is one way to describe the South Gippsland Orchid Society’s upcoming 34th Annual Orchid Show at the Wonthaggi Workmen’s Club.

Orchid Society President John Betts has an impressive array of eye-catching blooms in his glasshouse ready for the show, not the least, a stunning purple Zygopetalum.

“A lot of people think orchids are hard to grow,” says John.

“But they’re not.”

John Betts recommends a good, sheltered location for orchids with plenty of light but not direct sunlight.

“Semi-shade is best,” says John.

The perfect recipe for a prizewinning orchid seems to be a light and airy location, constant but not heavy watering and good air movement.

“Judges are looking for correct shape, prolific flowers and colour,” explains John.

“Although colour is not so important.”

Cymbidiums are always popular at the Orchid Show and John Betts promises there will be plenty for sale.

While orchids are not traditionally an indoor plant, tropical varieties do very well in a warm, humid atmosphere according to John Betts.

“Moth orchids can be grown indoors.”

More than one thousand plants will be on display at the 34th Annual South Gippsland Orchid Show promising a riot of colour and abundant flowers.

“Children should be encouraged to grow orchids,” says John.

“Orchids have lots of flowers which children like.” 

Although the child-proof orchid has not yet been invented, Cymbidiums can be quite child-resilient advises John.

“Set and forget, that’s the best advice for Cymbidiums.”

Growers will be on hand at the Orchid Show to provide plenty of helpful advice.

The novice award is always hotly contested but you must be a member of the South Gippsland Orchid Society to submit an entry.

The 34th Annual Orchid Show will be open from 9.30am to 4pm, Friday and Saturday, September 13 to 14 at the Wonthaggi Workmen’s Club in Graham Street.

Plant sales, orchid supplies and repotting demonstrations will all be available.

For more information go to visitgippsland.com.au/event/south-gippsland-34th-orchid-show