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A deluge of critical comments on town upgrades from Korumburra locals

2 min read

THE Korumburra town centre upgrades are being vehemently criticised by locals, with over 100 comments, complaints and concerns voiced online last week. 

The deluge of comments come after a number of changes were made to the streetscape, including the double lane highway being reduced to a single lane of traffic in each direction on Commercial Street, signage, lights at the pedestrian crossing, landscaping, parking, the public toilets and shelter at the railway precinct.

According to the South Gippsland Shire Council (SGSC) website, the project sought to revitalise the town centre streetscape, improve pedestrian and driver movement and enhance visual appeal; and the addition of a manoeuvring lane was meant to improve safety for those parallel parking.

However, the SGSC has been accused by locals of being “bereft of logic and common sense” with planning and design phases of the project suggested to be inadequate, “a three-year-old could’ve done better”.

Others comment that the upgrades have been a waste of money as functionality, suitability and safety of the street has significantly declined. 
These responses came after a seemingly innocuous statement made on Facebook.

“Another sign in Commercial Street to confuse people. No U-Turns. People are already breaking the rules.”

Individual and collective complaints and concerns about the upgrades were unloaded thereafter, including:

Being inconvenienced during shopping by not being able to do a U-Turn in Commercial Street anymore.

Tourists will no longer stop in Korumburra spontaneously or otherwise, due to being unable to U-turn and having no direct or easy route back to Commercial Street.

Dangerous conditions and additional delays when people do disobey the sign and do a U-turn.

The impacts of the new U-turn signs then led to conversations about the added impact of losing an entire lane, to create a designated parking lane in Commercial Street, including:

Greater congestion and delays at peak hours while travelling through the town.

Being dangerously overtaken on the left hand side by drivers, despite having a left hand 

indicator on, which also puts those who are getting out of their parked cars at risk.

Increased incidents of tailgating. 

Being stuck if a truck breaks down in Commercial Street.

Additional wait time now when turning from King Street into Commercial Street. 

Concerns that any one of these factors could lead to an increased number of serious accidents. 

This list of gripes continued on:

The steepness of the footpath down to the kerb in some places, causing the elderly to have trouble getting into their cars.

Less parking spots now in Commercial Street. 

People crossing the road dangerously due to problems with the pedestrian lights. 

Less toilet cubicles in the new public toilet block and being placed too close to picnic tables, causing potential odour issues.

The rotary shed being relocated too far away from all other amenities.

Modern and unfitting aesthetics of buildings leading to a loss of the towns original character and charm.

New landscaping blocking the visibility of oncoming traffic in some places.