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ArtCubes arrive in Toora, grand opening this weekend

2 min read

THE ArtCubes Toora iteration has begun!

Aimed at celebrating local art and fostering community engagement, they are here for the next 3.5 months. Set to bring colour, community and creativity to Toora. They are small shipping containers converted into gallery/studio spaces owned and supported by South Gippsland Shire Council. The ArtCubes are located in Toora from July 19 to October 28, 2024, in the Toora Community Hall carpark on Dutton St next to the Toora Kindergarten.

Celebrating the town of Toora and the many years of its rich Arts history, including the once thriving Toora Village Creative Art Centre hosted in the Toora milk factory in the early 2000’s. The ArtCubes Toora project will see many of the artists involved in the Creative Centre return to once again teach print making on the same printing press as well as many new and contemporary artists that reflect the creative hub Toora is today.

Starting off with Corner Inlet Landcare Group installation, Lisa Kennedy and Ellen Taylor. Followed by (in chronological order) Monkia Kucewicz, Lee Grenfell, Anne Miller, Megan Williams, Toora and District Family History Group, Sally Wilcox, Helen S. Tiernan, Honey Tripper, The Little Toora Press (community cube), Cameron Hayes and Deborah Read, Sue Gilford, Sean Cowen, Bridget Nicholson, Asriel Encel and Hilary Skelton, and Kim McDonald. Others have also been involved in this project including Toora Primary School, Toora Lions, Toora Little Library, Toora Music Group, Toora Heritage Pear Orchard, Best Yarn Society, Sams Patch, The Panton Store, Gurneys Cidery, Deep Creek Nursery, Toora Foodworks, GLAWAC, TCAT, Toora Times, and many volunteer community members.

ArtCubes Toora are pleased invite the community to join them for the grand opening on July 28 from 12pm onwards at Toora Community Hall carpark on Dutton St.

Event Details: ArtCubes Toora Opening Party, Sunday, July 28, 2024, 12pm onwards, Toora Community Hall carpark, Dutton St, Toora

Event Highlights: Welcome to Country by GLAWAC, BBQ by the Toora Lions Club, plants for sale with Deep Creek Nursey, cider for sale by Gurneys Cidery, art & music activities, raffle prize by The Panton Store and National Tree Planting Day Celebrations in partnership with Corner Inlet Landcare Group.

For more information follow ArtCubes Toora on Instagram or Facebook: @ArtCubesToora