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Update: Bear Gully campsite closure ‘may be extended’

3 min read

BEAR Gully campground, located within Cape Liptrap Coastal Park, has been closed following advice that current camping and recreational activities may have impacted an Aboriginal place and artefacts.

This comes after Parks Victoria (PV) received advice from First Peoples – State Relations (FP-SR) on the matter.

PV has closed the site to ensure that there is no further potential for harm to Aboriginal cultural values at this site.

However while a date of May 7 was set for the extent of the closure, it has now become indefinite.

Parks Vic will now work with FP-SR and Traditional Owner representative groups to understand the options available and to ensure they comply with the Act to manage Aboriginal cultural values.

“Parks Victoria is working with First Peoples – State Relations to assess potential impacts to Aboriginal cultural heritage at Bear Gully Campground,” a spokesperson said.

“We are taking a precautionary approach to limit harm to these values, to fulfil our obligations under the Parks Victoria Act 2018 and Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.
“We thank visitors and the community for their patience and compliance with the closure while we assess.”

As part of these precautionary measures, Bear Gully Campground, including the beach access through the site, was initially advised as being closed until Sunday, May 7, 2023, but Channel 7 has obtained a further advice from Parks Vic, that the closure may be extended.

Campers with bookings have been contacted and they can call the Parks Victoria Customer Service Centre on 13 1963 for a full refund or alternative booking if they have not already done so.

PV will notify campers as soon as possible if this closure is to be extended, however campers with future bookings should remain aware of the changing conditions.

City media picks up on Bear Gully campsite closure

The city media have also picked up on the Bear Gully closure by Parks Victoria with Channel 7 reporting that Parks Vic say the “site’s closure may be extended beyond early May”.

Here is the Channel 7 report:

A popular campsite boasting picturesque views, walking trails and a surf beach has been shut over concerns visitors may have impacted an Aboriginal site and its artefacts.

Bear Gully Campground, located in Victoria’s Cape Liptrap Coastal Park, has been closed until May 7 as Parks Victoria investigates the potential damage.

Access to the beach through the campsite is also closed.

The decision comes after Parks Victoria was advised camping and recreational activities at the campgrounds may have impacted an Aboriginal place and its artefacts.

“Parks Victoria is working with First Peoples–State Relations to investigate and assess potential impacts on cultural heritage at this site,” the state government authority said.

“We are taking a precautionary approach to limit harm to these values, to fulfil our obligations under the Parks Victoria Act 2018 and Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.

“We thank visitors and the community for their patience and compliance with the closure while we investigate.”

Campers with bookings have been contacted about refunds or alternative bookings.

The site’s closure may be extended beyond early May, Parks Victoria warned.

“We will notify campers if this closure will be extended, however, campers with future bookings should remain aware of the changing conditions,” it said.

Located on the shores of Warratah Bay, Bear Gully Campground offers shady campgrounds overlooking Wilsons Promontory.

The site is renowned for its unpatrolled surf beach popular for rock pooling, fishing, surfing and coastal walks, according to Parks Victoria.