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Cr Darakai’s parting shot stricken from the record

2 min read

COUNCILLOR Adrian Darakai confirmed during Wednesday’s South Gippsland Shire Council meeting that he won’t be seeking re-election, due to work and family commitments, while delivering a glowing assessment of Council’s achievements over the last three years.

He also took a parting shot at former mayor, Don Hill, who has nominated for election next month, reminding voters of the allegations of dysfunction, bullying and misconduct that dogged the previous regime and ultimately brought about the council’s dismissal in June 2019.

“I just want to use this as a reminder to our community to be able to learn from the lessons of history, so that we don’t repeat them again,” said Cr Darakai.

Cr Darakai also made some additional allegations that have since been removed from the YouTube recording of the meeting, reportedly as a legal precaution.

He spoke positively about his own time on council, saying it has been a privilege being part of the councillor group and expressing his gratitude to those who elected him, albeit acknowledging that he was the first choice of one in seven voters, correcting that later to one in 10.

He noted that while the demands of his work and the recent arrival of a baby daughter won’t allow him to contest this election, he is interested in running again sometime in the future.

Combined with his usual moments of humour, Cr Darakai reflected on his motivation for joining council and what he feels has been accomplished.

“I stood to provide a positive alternative and that is what I have been and will continue to be until the end of our term,” he said, also highlighting the stability of the current council and its improved image.

He expressed his appreciation of the council staff and the leadership of CEO Kerryn Ellis and the executive leadership team.

“My life circumstances have changed since coming onto council, academically and employment-wise and we’ve welcomed our first child into our family,” Cr Darakai said of his decision not to nominate.

He also said that before coming to council he used to fit comfortably into his suit and have more hair but that these were among the sacrifices for being a local government representative.

Offering some advice for the new council he encouraged them to zoom out from the detail and take a more strategic view of the future for South Gippsland, and to seek to continue the stability, trust and unity developed by the present council.

To listen to the edited version of the livestream recording of Cr Darakai's address to the September 11, 2024 South Gippsland Shire Council meeting click HERE (1:05:35).