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Broadbent MP blames ‘gene technology’ vaccines for death rate

5 min read

PROMINENT antivaxxer, the Member for Monash, Russell Broadbent has doubled down on his concerns about the “implementation of experimental gene technologies” as part of Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination rollout.

Speaking in Federal Parliament last Tuesday, November 8, he addressed “the high number of deaths and adverse events logged on the TGA adverse events reporting system” and an apparent increase in the mortality rate, including the 17.3% increase reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the first seven months of 2022, while calling for a full investigation.

Summing up, he claimed “international groups of medical specialists are attributing most of these excess deaths to the synthetic mRNA gene technologies. This is the proverbial elephant in the room,” he says.

However, despite the claims made in Mr Broadbent’s latest broadside, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) updated their guidance on Myocarditis and Pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccines, on November 9, saying “the overwhelming benefits of vaccination in protecting against COVID-19 greatly outweigh the rare risk of myocarditis and/or pericarditis.”

It might all become academic, as far as future jabs are concerned. Despite reports of a fourth COVID wave hitting Australia, the following uptake in vaccines indicates Victorians are already voting with their shirtsleeves: 1st dose: 95.5%, 2nd dose: 94.4%, 3rd dose: 70.1% and 4th dose: 23.3%.

Notwithstanding this guidance and the fact that “not all cases that occur after vaccination are caused by the vaccine”; the number of deaths reported to the TGA, the increased mortality rate advised by the ABS and recent changes to the advisories on the use of the mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer, Mr Broadbent’s calls for a full investigation may have merit.

Here’s what Mr Broadbent had to say:

“I've never hidden the fact that I seek advice about my health and wellbeing from a number of different health practitioners. One of these people, an associate professor, contacted me last week regarding the increase in excess deaths recorded in Australia and around the world over the past 12 to 18 months.

“The associate professor pleaded with me to share these concerns in the Parliament, so in the associate professor's words: I'm very concerned there is no real investigation into the causes of these excess deaths.

“One must consider all possibilities for the cause of the excess deaths, and surely that includes looking at what changes have occurred over the past 2-3 years that might be causative factors?

“These include the corona virus itself and the implementation of experimental gene technologies. The latter must surely be suspected as a causative agent given the lack of safety data when these 'jabs' were implemented, and the high number of deaths and adverse events logged on the TGA adverse events reporting system.

“More and more information is coming out about the lack of safety data of this treatment prior to it being pushed on the population worldwide. We know adverse events are seriously under-reported in government reporting systems. Anecdotally we know of the pressure applied to doctors and nurses here in Australia to NOT speak out against the narrative. I am disturbed that there is no mention in the mainstream media of the possibility that these jabs could be a causative agent, as in medicine, and in public health, one must be open to all possibilities, particularly when the time course of events and timing of adverse outcomes raises red flags.

“What appears to be missing is an open and frank scientific analysis to determine the most likely cause of excess deaths in Australia, one that considers the possibility that the experimental gene technologies have contributed.

“The TGA in my opinion is not fit to lead such an inquiry, as it probably needs to be the subject of another independent inquiry into its actions in the last three years. Especially as it banned the use of the highly effective, repurposed medicine Ivermectin, resulting in unnecessary hospitalisations and deaths.

“It is time for the silencing of doctors, nurses, scientists and others with knowledge about health to stop. It is time to investigate whether the covid 'vaccines' have contributed to excess deaths.

“My medical colleagues who have been close to the front line of care/treatment during the pandemic are in absolutely no doubt that this vaccine treatment is harming and killing people. Ten percent of the 17 percent excess deaths are being put down to 'unexplained deaths'.

“International groups of medical specialists are attributing most of these excess deaths to the synthetic mRNA gene technologies. This is the proverbial elephant in the room.”

It’s worth noting that while the TGA adverse events reporting system notes 412 deaths associated with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine among 80,175 reports of problems and 34 deaths associated with the Moderna mRNA jabs from 7280 reported problems, there have been more than 64 million vaccinations administered in Australia.

The ABS further reports “there were 300 (22.5%) fewer deaths due to COVID-19 in August than July”.

Leading epidemiologist critical

Gippsland ABC Radio has reported a leading Victorian epidemiologist as critical of Mr Broadbent for linking mRNA vaccines to the rise in mortality rates in Australia in the past year.

Chair of Epidemiology at Deakin University, Professor Catherine Bennett, says the increase can be partly attributed to a resurgence of illnesses that were dormant during lockdowns. She says life expectancy actually rose in Australia during stay-at-home orders.

“It’s not that we're suddenly all fitter and we’re going to last longer. It's actually telling us that we've delayed some deaths but unfortunately, we’re back to normal and normal life expectancy prevails and those that lived a couple of years longer will be included in those people who die over the next two years,”

Mr Broadbent failed to quote the names and qualifications of any of his sources during his address to Parliament last week.

To see a full copy of the ATAGI guidance go to https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/covid-19-vaccination-guidance-on-myocarditis-and-pericarditis-after-covid-19-vaccines