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Dunvegan Crescent next domino to fall in Phillip Island roads scheme

5 min read

THE abandonment of the $32 million Surf Beach-Sunderland Bay special charge scheme on Phillip Island was the biggest failure of the present council regime.

With a small majority of the 1041 property owners coming out against the road and drainage scheme, 559 against and 482 in favour or not responding, needing a swing of just 39 ratepayers to get it through; the scheme was abandoned by council at its December 13, 2023 meeting.

It looked dead in the water.

But a series of resident-led petitions, so far representing nine of the muddied and potholed roads and streets in the scheme, are piece by piece putting the project back on the council agenda.

In response to the latest petition, which was actually a repeat of an earlier petition, the council has resolved to work with the residents of Dunvegan Crescent to investigate a preferred treatment option for the upgrading their road and drainage, where council has acknowledged 62% support from the property owners.

The number in favour could actually be as high as 70% or 80% according to a residents of the street, Mark and Katie Letts.

“There was an earlier petition but for some reason it didn’t go forward so we had to get another one started, in order to get it in before the council goes into caretaker mode ahead of the next elections,” said Mark Letts.

“Sixteen of the 26 residents have signed it but there could have been more. There are still some people who haven’t been contacted or who might not know about it,” he said.

But, without doubt, according to Mark and Katie Letts, the reconstruction and sealing of Dunvegan Street is a serious health and safety issue.

“We were here before they put down the temporary seal and while that was in place it was great but when it became potholed, the council decided it was too much to keep repairing it, so they pulled it up.

“It’s a lot busier now and since they pulled it up, the dust is unbearable at times,” said Mark.

“Especially for some reason near the hill. It just hangs there," said Katie.

“But it’s also a safety issue. Kids and families are always using the road and they’re unsighted by traffic in some places. And you get these drivers who will speed up when they see pedestrians. Something has got to be done.”

Mr Letts said he was aware that Dunvegan was well down on the ‘Urban Road and Drainage Improvement Policy 2024’ priority list, at number 22, but it should clearly be higher.

“Hopefully, they can review those priorities. The earlier petition should have been tabled earlier but Dunvegan has the second-highest traffic count, I believe, behind Sunderland Bay Road, and is a key access road.

“What I think the council is trying to achieve is a ‘backbone’ of new roads and drainage that addresses the main problem areas, with the most traffic, and then see what follows from there."

Asked if he thought the piece-by-piece approach would end up costing more, Mr Letts said that overall it might cost more, but it would allow each street to get the treatment most suitable to their location.

“Individually, it might not cost as much,” he said.

A present, the council’s top 10 priority list of urban roads and drainage improvement projects is as follows:

  1. Batman St Surf Beach in 2025.
  2. The Esplanade (Batman St to Sunderland Bay Rd) Surf Beach in 2025.
  3. Glen St Surf Beach in 2025
  4. The Esplanade (Zephyr Ct to Sunderland Bay Rd) Sunderland Bay in 2025.
  5. The Esplanade (Glen St to Batman St) Surf Beach in 2025.
  6. Brown St and Merrin Cres Wonthaggi in 2025.
  7. Bermagui Cres, Phillip Island Service Rd, Panorama Ave and Back Beach Rd Service Rd Sunset Strip in 2025.
  8. Dolphin Dr and Marlin St Smiths Beach in 2025.
  9. Graydens Rd and Lyall St Ventnor in 2025.
  10. Red Rocks Rd and Ventnor Service Rd Cowes in 2025.

Petitions have already been received by council for two sections of The Esplanade in Surf Beach, for Links Road Surf Beach, Batman Street Surf Beach, Glen Street Surf Beach, Dover Street Sunderland Bay, The Esplanade Sunderland Bay, Tolley Avenue Surf Beach, Dunvegan Crescent Surf Beach and Anglers Road Sunderland Bay.

At number 22 presently, Dunvegan isn’t due to be constructed until 2035.

The petition was dealt with at last Wednesday’s council meeting, with councillors moving the following motion:

That Council: 1. Receive the petition, Dunvegan Crescent Upgrade and resolve to deal with this matter at this Council Meeting. 2. Commence work with the head petitioner and other property owners to investigate a preferred treatment option and potential costs to upgrade the road. 3. Note that a potential upgrade project would need to be considered in accordance with the Urban Roads and Drainage Improvement Policy at a future meeting. 4. Advise the head petitioner of Council’s decision.

The mover of the motion, Cr Rochelle Halstead welcomed the residents’ initiative.

“I just wanted to make the comment that I think it's great to see this project progressing under the new Urban Roads and Drainage Improvement policy. A terrific outcome for the residents of Dunvegan Crescent who with the adoption of the new policy have taken up the option to pursue the sealing of their road that will address the amenities of where they live. So, congratulations to them.”

Cr David Rooks acknowledged the residents’ willingness to contribute financially and wished them well with the project.

The state of The Esplanade Surf Beach at the moment. It returns to being a potholed dust bowl as soon as the weather dries out.