AMAZON 1863 Project Committee is running an exhibition until the end of August at the Inverloch Community Hub.
Artefacts from the famous Amazon shipwreck are currently on display and the committee would love to view anything that locals may have in their care.
The remains of this protected historic shipwreck were buried near the lnverloch Surf Life Saving Club.
The Amazon was a barque of 362 tons built at St Helier’s, Jersey by Fredrick Charles Clarke, ship-builder, during the 1800s.
The committee is working to preserve the significant Amazon artefacts, the site and written records.
Heritage Victoria Maritime Archaeologists and Conservator will visit the Inverloch Community Hub on August 20, and will deliver some lectures, discuss cataloguing techniques for Amazon artefacts and would love to view any artefacts that locals might have hidden away in the back shed.
Saturday, August 20, 10am at Inverloch Community Hub