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Heather in running to be kindest

3 min read

GIPPSLAND woman and former foster child who started a charity to help foster children has been selected as a state finalist in the search for Australia’s kindest person.

National women’s apparel retailer Black Pepper’s World Kindness Day Search aims to find the country’s kindest people, share their stories and hopefully inspire others to live a little kinder each day. 

Heather Baird, who lived in orphanages and foster homes from the age of 2 ½, experienced many difficult situations but the one that stuck with her the most was going to school with other foster children in old clothes and wishing she could have nice things.

Heather had always wanted to help children in similar situations so in 2014 she started A Better Life For Foster Kids which supports foster children and their carers with clothing, toiletries and other essentials, furniture, advice and referrals and funds for foster kids to participate in normal childhood activities.

“Being nominated for any award is the most humbling feeling as it reminds you that there are people in the community that see your vision and support you, and when you have a community behind you it is easy to achieve your dreams,” Heather said.

“Every recognition of the charity and the work we do brings awareness, with awareness we can bring change. So being nominated for a national award is so important as it showcase other states what we have and can achieve.”

Heather is one of three state finalists who were selected from hundreds of entries nationwide.

“My hope is that we make the system much more child focused and less of an industry where everyone meets targets to get funding to keep jobs, and that we reach more and more children every day. I would love to see A Better Life For Foster Kids grow to where no child in out of home care ever goes without,” Heather explained.

Heather is now in the running to become the Victorian state winner with Black Pepper customers invited to vote in stores during September.

Last Friday, schools across South Gippsland and Bass Coast were involved in Gippsland’s Biggest PJ Day which supports Heather’s A Better Life For Foster Kids. 

“The PJ Day was the biggest yet with over 50 schools and businesses involved, it is too early for a tally yet but I am sure it will be better than last years,” Heather said.

“Stand out moment of the day was when the Ohana Services came to the Gippsland Shopping Centre to buy and donate pj’s, they are the most amazing people.”

State winners will receive a $500 Black Pepper voucher and other prizes including from DB Cosmetics and The Knicker.

The national winner will be selected by a panel of judges and crowned as Australia’s kindest person at a special event in Melbourne ahead of World Kindness Day on November 13 and will win $5000 for the charity of their choice.

For those who may have missed Gippsland’s Biggest PJ Day there are still ways to help.

“We have several ways of supporting A Better Life For Foster Kids if people would like to look at our website abetterlifeforfosterkids.org.au. We welcome donations of items, and we also have a Cuppa a Week where people can sign up to make a regular donation. 

“And talking to your local MP’S and asking them what do they do to support these children.

“A huge thank you to Black Pepper for the opportunity and to Kim Dennis for nominating us – we would love everyone to vote for us.”