‘I didn’t do anything, I loved them’ said Erin Patterson
The house where the allegedly poisonous meal was served.

FROM London to New York, the “unexplained” deaths of three Korumburra residents; Don and Gail Patterson, both 70, and Heather Wilkinson, 66, and the hospitalization of a fourth, Ian Wilkinson 68, the pastor of the local Baptist Church, allegedly from mushroom poisoning, has been big news.

Locally, right across Australia and in New Zealand, news services have carried hourly reports and any updates.

The London Daily Mail even went to the extent of publishing a graphic of the relationships between the people involved; Don and Gail Patterson, parents of Simon, the estranged husband of the 48-year-old Leongatha woman, Erin Patterson, who allegedly prepared the meal which killed the three local residents.

All four guests; Don and Gail, and Ian and Heather, fell ill after eating the meal on Saturday, July 29 at Erin Patterson’s Leongatha home, which police believe may have included Death Cap mushrooms.

The four came down with serious gastro-like symptoms, initially presenting at the Leongatha and Korumburra hospitals but soon transferred to the Austin Hospital in Melbourne in a critical condition.

The two woman, Gail and Heather, both died on Friday, August 4 and Mr Patterson, a well-known and well-regarded, now-retired Korumburra High School teacher, died on Saturday.

Members of the congregation at the Korumburra Baptist Church, of which all four affected local residents are regular attendees, including Ian Wilkinson the church leader, arrived for last Sunday morning’s service, either after only just becoming aware that a third person had died, or finding out on the day.

There was an outpouring of emotion at the service, but also strong resignation that the trio would be safely in heaven after their ordeal. They prayed that Ian’s medical team might be guided by God, “so that he can be returned to us”.

It was confirmed by police on Monday that Mr Wilkinson may be awaiting a liver transplant operation and there have since been reports that the prayers of the congregation might have been answered in that regard.

Meanwhile, it has since emerged that Erin's ex-husband Simon Patterson, fell ill with a mystery stomach illness last year, from which he nearly died.

On June 29, 2022, Simon Patterson posted a thank you note to the Poowong and District Amateur Basketball Association, with whom he has played and volunteers as a junior coach, after the group sent him a care package during his long stay in hospital, as follows:

“Some of you will know that I've had some serious medical problems since late May. I collapsed at home, then was in an induced coma for 16 days through which I had 3 emergency operations mainly on my small intestine, plus an additional planned operation.

“My family were asked to come and say goodbye to me twice, as I was not expected to live. I was in intensive care for 21 days, after which I was in the general ward for a week, and now I'm at a rehab place since last Saturday.

“I'm pleased to say all the medical work has seemed to have fixed the serious gut problems I had, and I've been feeling great for many days.

“I feel no pain, and it all seems to have no impact on my personality, character or anything else much. I have a big scar on my tummy which is healing itself slowly, and I have ICU acquired weakness which is a common condition of people who lie in intensive care for a long time as I did.

“I can walk and do all the normal daily functions myself, however my left shoulder in particular is very weak. I've been working hard at physio to build muscle strength (both arms still need work) so I can get back to basketball, hopefully in 2023. I'm expected to make a full recovery so I'm back to the same capacity I had before I collapsed.

“Anyhow, that's a long-winded background to say I was absolutely blown away this morning to receive this amazing care package from Poowong Basketball Association. It was a huge surprise, and it's full of fantastic goodies. Thank you so much to whomever organised it, it is incredible. It is also timely, as my wife Erin and my kids Sam and Hannah are coming in to visit this arvo, and I'm rapt to be able to share the goodies with them today.”

His post received an enthusiastic response, including:

· What a scary time for your family, glad you are on the right track to a full recovery

· Holy shit Patto, wishing you a speedy recovery and good health. Looking forward to a potential come back on the court alongside or against you. All the best in recovery.

· So glad you are on the mend Simon. Look after yourself.

· Simon Patterson (Author): Thanks all for your comments and well wishes, and a massive thanks to Susie for arranging the amazing care package. I've always said I love the culture and approach to basketball at Poowong. I hope I'll be able to get involved in Poowong Basketball next year and beyond.

As well as blanket coverage of the event, reporters have posted a video of an interview with Simon’s estranged wife Erin Patterson, who was described by the man leading the police investigation, Detective Inspector Dean Thomas of the Victorian Homicide Squad as “a suspect”, in that she prepared the meal, allegedly containing the deadly mushrooms, although reminding media outlets that the incident remains “unexplained” at this stage.

Det Inspt Thomas was quizzed about items police might have taken from the Leongatha home where the meal was served, including whether they’d seized a food dehydrator. He said he couldn’t say what “exhibits” were recovered after a search warrant was executed at the house last Saturday, August 5 but it has since been reported that a dehydrator was located at the Koonwarra tip.

The woman described by police as a suspect, Erin Patterson, has not been charged and has maintained her innocence.

“I didn’t do anything, I loved them,” she said in an interview with the media who have been camped at the Leongatha house since the circumstances of the alleged deaths by mushroom poisoning were revealed.

“It’s a tragedy what’s happened,” Erin said this week.

Ms Patterson got the names of the deceased mixed up during the interview wrongly noting that Ian, not Don, was still in hospital.

“I’m devastated what’s happened by the loss of Don… Don is still in hospital. The loss of Ian and Heather and Gail; who are some of the best people that I’d ever met. Gail was like a mum that I didn’t have because my mum passed away four years ago, and Gail’s never been anything but good and kind to me.

“And Ian and Heather were some of the best people I’ve met. They didn’t do anything wrong to me. I’m so devastated what’s happened and the loss to the community, and to the families and to my own children who have lost their grandmother.”

· Can you tell us a bit more about the lunch?

“What I can tell you… is that I just can’t fathom what has happened. I just can’t fathom what has happened. That Ian and Heather have lost their lives and Gail has lost her life and Don is still in hospital, and I pray, I pray that he pulls through because my children love him.”

· And you must be pretty shaken up by this as well?

“I’m devastated. I loved them. I can’t believe that this has happened and I’m so sorry that they have lost their lives. I just can’t believe it, I just can’t believe it.”

· Can you tell us where the mushrooms came from?

At this point Erin went off crying, packing a bag into her car.

· Were they searching the property area?

“I’m just asking you to leave me alone please.”

· Police say you’re suspect do you have anything to say about that?

“Yes, I say I didn’t do anything. I loved them and I’m devastated that they’re gone and I hope with every fibre of my being that Don pulls through. That’s all I have to say.”

· Where did the mushrooms come from? Were they picked by you? Where did they come from Erin? Can you tell us? What meal did you cook them?

Interest in the incident from the media has remained intense, however response on social media appears to have been restrained.

The care package that the estranged husband of Erin Patterson, Simon, received during a lengthy stay in hospital as a result of a serious stomach complaint in June last year from it is claimed he "nearly died", 

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