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Ice, cubes and Mirboo North’s ‘Winterfest’

1 min read

THE lead event of the 2023 Mirboo North Winterfest on the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, August 5 and 6 is the ‘Ridgway Lantern Parade’ from 5.45pm on Saturday

But the main thing everyone wants to talk about is: “When is the ice skating rink going to open”.

One of the co-ordinators of the festival Thomasin Bales is only to happy to oblige.

“The ‘ice skating’ will be set up on the basketball court (in Baromi Park) from 10am to 3pm but it’s not actually ice, it’s synthetic,” said Ms Bales in the interests of full disclosure.

“They use some sort of synthetic covering for the rink. I think if they set up a proper ice rink, it would take weeks to get organised and, I believe, cost in the order of $60,000.

“But, I’m told this is a genuine ice-skating experience with skates provided and there’ been a lot of interest in it.”

Of course, there’s a lot more going on besides, over the two days with fantastic food and local wines a highlight, music, art, fire twirling, acrobatics, creative and performative workshops and Artcube browsing and more.

In a nutshell (or art cube), it’s an event not to be missed this weekend.