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Lots of positives in Korumburra

2 min read

Korumburra Round Table Vice President Terry Waycott is upbeat after July’s meeting, with a couple of council officers delivering positive news about the progress of various projects about town.

“We were fortunate to have Christian Stefani, Manager Economy Community and Investment, and Luke McGrath, Co-Ordinator of Projects, and they gave a terrific overview of the exciting things happening in Korumburra,” Terry said.

He noted the streetscape for Little Commercial Street is almost finished, although power still needs to be provided to its street lighting.

Pathway works and landscaping are progressing well at the Korumburra Community Hub.

Terry said while the Hub’s opening date is not yet confirmed, the official opening has been pencilled in for October.

As reported recently in the Sentinel-Times, the new supermarket site handover has been completed.

The station precinct area is the next major project, with works having recently commenced on car parking in this area.

The project will include new drainage, kerbs, defined car parking and lighting.

Terry said a sunken garden with bridge is on the agenda for the former turntable site.

Furthermore, he said the existing toilet block is to be demolished and replaced with a new build with provision for a changing places toilet to provide access for all.

Temporary replacement toilets during construction are an issue that council will address, Terry added.

The proposed Skate Park design is being reviewed and a playground designed to look like an old goods wagon is planned, the Vice President said.

A council spokesperson updated the Sentinel-Times on what stage the Railway Precinct initiatives are at.

“Design is currently being developed for a series of connected projects that will deliver a regenerated public open space at the Korumburra Rail Precinct, in accordance with the concept plan that was previously shared with the community,” the spokesperson said.

“Components of the work include landscaping and plantings, connecting pathways and access ramps, railway themed playground, half court sports space, landscaping of the former train turntable location, public toilets and skatepark, and the works are being delivered in stages subject to funding and site access.”

Terry is delighted with the progress in the railway precinct.

“The Railway Station is looking fantastic, with VicTrack almost finished with their works, and there are plans for ramp access from the Rail Trail to the station platform, Terry said.

“Whilst there will be plenty happening in the Railway Precinct area, the plans for Commercial Street streetscape are well underway with the design 95% complete and there will be targeted consultation with business and property owners, with the tender process to start in August.”

The Commercial Street streetscape is expected to get underway in November and will be done in stages, minimising disruptions Terry explained, noting the works  will include reconstruction of all footpaths and kerbs in the commercial area, with new garden beds and street furniture to be added.

“Overall, it was a constructive and informative meeting and highlights the exciting times ahead for Korumburra,” Terry said of July’s Round Table gathering.