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Summer opening hopes for Mirboo North Pool

1 min read

WORK on the Mirboo North Pool has commenced to repair extensive damage sustained during the February storm event.

The South Gippsland Shire Council’s insurers have assessed the damage and engaged specialist contractors to undertake the repair work. Due to complexities with the required repairs, this unfortunately has taken longer than originally anticipated.

CEO of South Gippsland Shire Council Kerryn Ellis has acknowledged the delay in getting repairs started but it pleased to finally see progress being made.

“Council is aware of how important the Mirboo North Pool is to the local community and will be providing regular updates on the progress of the repairs,” Ms Ellis said.

“Timeframes are difficult to lock down at this stage and will, of course be dependent on external factors such as favourable weather conditions, however we remain hopeful that the pool may be able to be reopened before the end of the summer season.”

At this stage, according to council, it still isn’t clear how long repairs to the pool will take, however further details regarding the timing of works will be provided by the contractor in the coming weeks.

The storm event damaged infrastructure that is critical for the operation of the pool, which must be repaired or replaced before the pool can be used by the community.

Required repairs include works on fencing, shelters, plant, pavilion building, play equipment and other items. The cost of the repairs will be fully covered by Council’s insurance arrangements.

“Regrettably the pool will not be reopened in time for the start of the usual season, however, it is hoped that the repairs will be completed in time to reopen the pool later in the summer season.

The pool was one of a number of Council managed facilities that were damaged across the shire in the flood and storm events of late-2023 and early-2024, with repairs planned or underway across multiple sites.