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Tributes flow for father of Newhaven College Peter Reith

4 min read
The Hon Peter Reith and Newhaven Principal Tony Corr at Newhaven College Founders day 2021.

THE man credited with the establishment of Newhaven College on Phillip Island, Peter Reith, has died aged 72.

Born in Melbourne, Mr Reith was educated at Brighton Grammar School and at Monash University, from which he obtained bachelor's degrees in economics and law.

He then practised as a solicitor first in Melbourne and then at Cowes on Phillip Island where he started his own law firm.

Together with his brother, Sandy, Mr Reith was elected to the Shire of Phillip Island in 1976 and rose to the position of Shire President in 1981 prior to launching a career in Federal politics as the Member for Flinders, preceding Greg Hunt in the role.

It was in October 1976 that Mr Reith initiated discussions for a secondary College to be built on Phillip Island with Reverend John Leaver who also saw the possibility for the establishment of a school which upheld Christian values to be built at Newhaven on Phillip Island.

A committee was formed with Mr Reith the inaugural secretary and he remained the driving force in the establishment and development of the school, being a strong advocate for Federal Government funding which was to hold the project in good stead even until recent years.

Mr Reith continued to maintain a strong interest in the school and was a regular at important functions held by the school community.

Recently retired Chairman of the Newhaven Board, Greg Price, put it simply.

“Newhaven College would never have happened without the initiative and drive of Peter Reith,” Mr Price said.

Newhaven College ultimately opened its doors to 51 Year 7 and 8 students on Tuesday, February 5, 1980.

By that time, Mr Reith was already entrenched on the local council and on his way to higher duties.

He had joined the Liberal Party in 1966 and representing that party, he entered the House of Representatives in December 1982 by winning a by-election for the seat of Flinders,  caused by the resignation of former Deputy Liberal Leader Sir Phillip Lynch.

He served as Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party and Deputy Leader of the Opposition under John Hewson, Minister for Industrial Relations when John Howard assumed the Prime Ministership in March 1996, and also Leader of the House.

He was also Minister for Small Business, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations and Minister for Defence until his retirement at the 2001 election. After leaving politics he worked as a company director and political commentator.

Former Prime Minister John Howard has praised Mr Reith's political career and contribution to Australia, describing him as a close friend.

"He contributed enormously to Australian politics," Mr Howard said this week.

Mr Reith died on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. It is understood he developed Alzheimer's Disease in recent years.

The Phillip Island community was proud of Peter Reith and he was proud to call himself a member of the Phillip Island community for most of his life. His family is steeped in the history of the Island with his grandfather, AKT Sambell, owner of Trenavin Park, and the Summerlands Estate, establishing a 9-hole golf course on the present Penguin Parade car park. He was a former shire councillor and the family owned a beach house on the Estate from the early years. Peter Reith will be sadly missed but leaves behind him an incredible legacy, especially in education, at 1770 Phillip Island Road.

College tribute to Mr Reith

Newhaven College has issued the following heartfelt tribute to Mr Reith.

“It is with much sadness that Newhaven College acknowledge the passing of College Life Governor and Founding Secretary of the school, the Honourable Mr Peter Reith.

“It was in the living room of Peter’s home in Cowes in 1976 that interested parties gathered with the idea of establishing a Christian community school on Phillip Island.

“Through Peter’s hard work and commitment, along with other dedicated residents and parents, Newhaven College was founded.

“Peter’s vision was for a school that co-operated between all Christian denominations, committed to academic excellence and with a global view on education and a strong commitment to the community. Peter’s vision is the very school we see today.

“Peter was not only a significant figure in Newhaven’s history but a great Australian. In addition to a successful career in law and business, Peter was a senior cabinet minister in the Australian government from 1996 to 2001.

“He was a key figure in Australian politics throughout the 1990's and was deputy leader of the Liberal party under Prime Minister John Howard.”