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They’ll make a start on Drouin’s bypass, Libs-Nats say

2 min read

As part of the Liberals and Nationals’ ‘Regional Infrastructure Guarantee’ promise, which assures 25 per cent of all new government capital investment is spent on infrastructure projects in regional Victoria, the Opposition promises to provide $3 million for a feasibility study on “a modern, fit-for purpose arterial road network in Warragul and Drouin”.

“Drouin, one of the region’s main centres, suffers due to heavy traffic congestion caused by a lack of investment in the area,” said the Colation in a statement this week.

“There has been a strong community-led push for a bypass, who have advocated the need to make travelling within Drouin and Warragul safer and more convenient for residents.

“With more than 20,000 homes expected to be built in the next few years and a population approaching 100,000 expected by 2035, action is needed now,” they said.

Shadow Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Matt Bach, said fixing and rebuilding regional roads would be a major priority for the Liberals and Nationals.

“This is one of Baw Baw Council’s most important infrastructure projects, and we will start work to determine what the Drouin and Warragul of the future will look like,” Mr Bach said.

“Unlike Labor, who have neglected the regions by spending a measly 12 per cent of new capital spend in country areas but considerably less than that in Narracan, the Liberals and Nationals will deliver 25 per cent of all new capital spend in regional Victoria.”

Liberal Candidate for Narracan, Wayne Farnham, said for Drouin and Warragul to get the projects they need and deserve, the choice was clear.

“This announcement to begin a feasibility study and design complements significant announcements made by the Liberals in the Narracan electorate, including a new West Gippsland Hospital in Warragul,” Mr Farnham said.

“By working with Council and the local community to deliver what this region desperately needs and deserves, Drouin and Warragul will be set up for years of growth.”

The Nationals Candidate for Narracan, Shaun Gilchrist, said the better transport infrastructure would provide an important route for heavy vehicles carrying Gippsland’s produce.

“More than 22 per cent of Australia’s dairy is produced right here in Gippsland, and it is not viable for semi-trailers to keep clogging up traffic in the centre of town on the way to Melbourne and beyond,” Mr Gilchrist said.

“The Nationals’ commitment will get the process started on providing an improved local road network which will benefit livestock and produce transport.”