THE Poowong Twinkle Toes dancers are stepping out… of their comfort zone and onto the Great Southern Rail Trail this weekend.
It’s happening at this Sunday’s Loch Village Summer Markets, with the support of the Strzelecki Lions.
The dancers will demonstrate some fun and accessible dances along a 100-metre stretch of the railway reserve, between about 10.30am and 11.30am.
“We believe it’s the first time the rail trail has had organised dancing, so it’ll be a world record of some sort,” said organiser Sarah Williams (tongue firmly in cheek).
“Ten railblazers would be magic. We hope that it will inspire other dance and moovement groups to join us. So, ‘Moove with the Moove Moovement’. Clean up your sneakers, and join in,” says Sarah.
You can warm up at Tuesday dancing at the Poowong Public Hall 7-9pm.
Tai Chi will also be on display at the Sunday markets, with a demonstration by Allana and friends. Free Tai Chi lessons (for Bowls club members) are run every Monday at 10.30am by chief inspirer Alanna at the Loch and District Bowling Club.
Interested people can drop in and join up for a trial on the trail. Loch it in!
The Lions Club of Strzelecki hosts seven markets between October and April, second Sunday of the month, from 8am to 1pm. Proceeds support local causes.
Strzelecki Lions contact: Mike D’Arcy 0402 849 249.