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Waiting for a car charge in Bass Coast… it’s coming!

2 min read

THE Bass Coast Shire Council is rolling out a number of new electric vehicle charging stations across the shire with some due to be opened soon, and another project set to start in the next few weeks.

In answer to a query from the Sentinel-Times this week, the shire said the new charging stations in the Cowes Transit Centre Carpark was due to be completed and opened soon.

“They are waiting connection from Ausnet right now, was scheduled for early September but as you can imagine with the last week of weather, their crews may have been otherwise engaged,” said a spokesperson for the shire.

“The installer has been in touch. They have an updated timeline of around two weeks’ time for connection due to weather events.

“The chargers are being installed by a private operator.”

Under another EV charging station project, four fast-charging electric vehicle charging stations will be installed in council-owned locations across the shire, at the Wonthaggi ArtSpace, Newhaven Visitor Centre, Bunurong Environment Centre Inverloch and the Grantville Transaction Centre.

“These locations were selected as they will establish a coordinated fast-charging network at key tourist destinations, high-use locations and priority regional towns across Bass Coast,” said council on its Engage Bass Coast website.

“The installation of these public EV charging stations will help to address key barriers to EV uptake, including range anxiety and town connectivity. The project will have additional benefits including encouraging EV tourism, supporting uptake of EVs, and reducing transport-sector emissions.

This project is co-funded by Bass Coast Shire Council and the state government, through a grant program managed by the Department of Environment, Energy, and Climate Action (DEECA).

Council intends to install 4 x 50-60 kW EV charging stations with 3-phase CCS2 and CHAdeMO charge points.

Under Bass Coast's Fees & Charges, the rate for EV charging in FY2024/2025 will increase to 58c/kWh and is subject to periodic review. You can check the current rate on Council's website:


There is plenty of interest from the community in the new charging station.

At last week’s council meeting, Terry Parkin put a question to council about the EV Charging Station at Newhaven asking for a progress report “to the delayed installation of electric vehicle charging stations at the Newhaven Information Centre site”.

Response: “Installation of the EV charging station at Newhaven Information Centre is scheduled to be completed by the end of the financial year.”

One wonders if that means by June 30, 2025.