AT ABOUT 1.30pm today, tragedy was averted, yet again, at the dangerous Kilcunda surf beach.
Wonthaggi North residents, Annette and Gary Bradshaw, saw the whole thing unfold and were full of praise for the “brave and skilful" local surfers who effected the rescue.
“I wonder if it is possible for you to say a ‘thank you’ to a group of local surfies who rescued two people from a rip earlier this afternoon at Kilculda beach.” said Anette in a letter to the Sentinel-Times on Friday, November 24.
“My husband and I were walking on the rail trail when from the railway bridge, we noticed a group of people in the water. They were not too far out at that point.
“Further down the track it was evident that two of the swimmers were very far out on the edge of a rip, and not able to swim back in.
“Luckily a gent named Dave came along with his board, just as a couple on bikes came up and indicated that the swimmers were in trouble. Dave and another gent returning from the surf, immediately headed down to the beach and were joined by a group of other surfies closer to the bridge.
“These men reached the man and woman in trouble, in an incredible display of rapid and co-ordinated teamwork. I know one of the other gents was named ‘Jeremy’, but I would like to thank all of them for their selfless bravery and skills in averting what could easily have become a lethal situation.”
No resuscitation was required but, in speaking to the Sentinel-Times later, Mrs Bradshaw said there must be many similar incidents that go unreported.
“We might all joke about tradies, who are out surfing in the middle of the day when they could be at work, but if they weren’t there today, I hate to think what would have happened,” said Anette.
“I’ve heard how surfers save people at surf beaches before, but this is the first time I’ve seen them in action.
“I think two locals riding their bikes on the bridge might have alerted them first. A guy I think his name as ‘Jeremy’, he was first out on his board and he save the lady. She was a long way out, 200 metres or more, I don’t think she appreciated how far.
“Then another bloke arrived with his board, Dave, and someone said they’ll be stuffed if someone doesn’t go out to them and quick as a flash he headed for the water with another bloke close behind.
“Two others came across after that.
“One of them said ‘they’re right in the rip, they’ll be taken a long way out’.
“They just knew what they were doing, where they were going and what was needed. It was just so well coordinated, and I thought someone should just say well done.
“It makes you realise how many people across Australia must be saved on a daily basis by surfers who are alert enough to take action at the right time.”
“They were a Vietnamese couple, visitors anyway, and they got up as soon as they got to the shoreline and said they we’re OK but they wouldn’t have been OK.
“They were trying to swim but they were going further out.
“I hate to think what would have happened.”
So, well done you blokes, Dave, Jeremy and your three mates. Tragedy averted.
But the message is clear – swim at patrolled beaches and you are unfamiliar with the local conditions, don’t go in at all.