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Woodleigh proud on Australia day

1 min read

IT WAS the year of the cow at the Woodleigh Hall Australia Day breakfast. Brookbora Askin Estelle, the 13th purebred Jersey cow owned by the Ross family from Heath Hill took pride of place and was patted, photographed and hand milked “till the cows came home.” 

Old Woodleigh farmers Will Hunter and Blanche Chambers-Lester spoke of their years milking on family dairy farms, early morning starts and old walk-through sheds.

One hundred locals attended, reminiscing about separators, stock agents and milk cans on the road while enjoying breakfast in the century-old, renovated hall... the last remaining public building in Woodleigh. 

Kids played on hay bales and had rides on the Grey Fergy tractor. 

The gumboot throw was fiercely contested, and the dusty cricket pitch proved a batsman’s nightmare. 

Jen hit the bullseye in the archery demonstration and Dave and the crowd sang the National Anthem under the new flagpole. 

Lamingtons were served with a cuppa, and the lucky door prize was lamb chops and lamingtons.