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Yarram adds towering new mural to ’Heesco Town’ legend

3 min read

IT’S not a stretch to say that Yarram turned the corner as a destination town when world renowned street and silo artist, Heesco Khosnaran, completed his initial murals over a five-week period early in 2020.

Ultimately, he completed 24 striking artworks in 24 months that have transformed Yarram as a visitor destination, while also imbuing a sense of pride in the community.

Along the way, Yarram has won the prestigious 'Australia’s Best Street Art Trail Award' two years in-a-row, driving even more travellers to take the road less travelled, off the Princes Highway, through South Gippsland.

And on Wednesday, April 19, Heesco added to his legend by completing his stunning water tower mural, opened with all sorts of pomp and circumstance, at 10.30am in front of a big holiday crowd with Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing, appropriately as the Minister for Water, Regional Development, and Equality.

For years, the concrete water tower has sat there, on the north side of Yarram, the first thing that many people see as they enter the town.

The project was funded by a Go Fund Me crowd-fundraising appeal, which to date has gathered a worthy $41,160 out of a target of $60,000.

The Go Fund Me appeal goes like this:

After three years, 24 paintings and two Gold Awards for the best Street Art Trail in Australia, the time to paint the water tower in Yarram has finally arrived. Heesco says he can’t wait to come and paint the tower.

“It’s been a long time coming so it’s great that we’re finally able to do it. I am keen to play my part and get it all done.”

For the top part of the tower, Wayne Tindall (who designed most of the current Heesco Town murals) worked closely with Eric Greenaway and others to identify key local tourism hotspots that could be featured.

“I thought the top of the tower should be very colourful so it can be seen from a distance as you approach Yarram from south or north,” Eric explained.

“There are a growing number of street art and silo art followers in Australia and around the world, and Yarram features as a ‘must see’ destination for these folk. We don’t have a silo, but we have a water tower, and this tower is going to be the ‘icing on the cake’ for the Yarram Heesco Town Trail,” he said.

The lower tower design is a colourful and meaningful image filled with rich imagery and embedded stories and symbols. Gunaikurnai Elder Sandra Patten designed this part and sees it as a visual expression of ‘Sitting on Country’ where she feels ‘at home’ and ‘connected’.

“The five shields along the top represent the five tribes of the Gunaikurnai. They’re all connected, you can’t break up the mob. The designs are relevant today because the Gunaikurnai hold native title as custodians of our Country. Our shield designs are coming out more and more in community artwork as people feel proud and safer to promote Gunaikurnai culture,” Sandra explained.

A welcome to country and smoking ceremony formed a key part of the opening celebrations on the day.

The murals have transformed Yarram and its visitor economy, which is why it has earned the nickname among locals and visitors alike as ‘Heesco Town”.

Make it your business to stop off in Heesco Town to see the murals and as a helpful initiative, the town also launched a brand new Heesco Town map on the day.

Minister Shing was delighted with the success of the project.

“What a fabulous morning it was at Yarram for the ceremonial opening of the 25th, biggest and final mural in the award winning Heesco street art trail in Yarram, the Water Tower,” Ms Shing posted on Facebook.

“This project is proof of what we can achieve when agencies, organisations, and the community work together.

“The top of the tower was designed by local artist and filmmaker, Wayne Tindall. The base reflects Gunaikurnai history and stories, and was designed by Gunaikurnai Elder, Sandra Patten, and can be seen from all corners of Yarram.

“Congratulations to everyone involved.”

And so, say all of us.

Photo credits to Deb Lucas of The Bridge.