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Local farmers donate hay for drought-ravaged South Australia

2 min read

FARMERS experiencing one of the worst droughts in living memory in the mid-north of South Australia have received much-needed feed for their starving livestock donated by Woolamai farmers Paul and Andrew Kent.

“We run beef and dairy and have a silage and hay contracting business,” said Paul.

Lacklustre rainfall over the past seven months has led to severe drought conditions across large areas of SA and western Victoria prompting a call for donated hay by farm relief organisation Need for Feed.

“We’ve been donating to Need for Feed for quite a few years,” said Paul.

Fourth-generation farmers on 260 hectares of prime grazing land overlooking the Powlett River Paul’s brother Andrew runs the hay and silage contracting business.

“Sometimes we get paid in hay bales which allows us to either sell or donate the hay.

“You apply online if you have hay and they get back to you when they have a truck.”

Within days of the Kent brothers offering their hay to Need for Feed, volunteer driver Creighton Dickie of CKD Transport Services arrived at their property in Woolamai with a semi-trailer capable of taking 34 big round bales. Valued at between $80 and $100 a bale the hay is first-class rye and clover pasture.

“We don’t expect anything in return,” said Paul.

Paul thanked neighbours Pat and Megan for providing hay from their small farm and Ashley and Jessica for also helping out.

Donating his time to Need for Feed as a driver on long weekends Creighton Dickie said parts of South Australia such as Jamestown and Morgan are in severe drought.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, many cropping regions in SA and Victoria have received less than 60 per cent of their average rainfall.

“Bass Coast is also drier than normal,” said Andrew.

“We’ve only had 645mm of rain this year compared to 1100mm in a normal year.”

The South Australian State Government has announced a significant $18 million investment to support farming communities enduring drought.

The support package included freight support for donated fodder of $2 million to assist charities with transportation costs ensuring fodder reaches drought-affected farmers feeding livestock.

The Victorian Government has also announced a $13 million package to support farming communities affected by the drought in south-west Victoria.

Need for Feed was established almost twenty years ago in response to what was then one of the driest periods on record.

From humble beginnings, the Lions Club Need for Feed project has now grown to be recognised as the leading provider of emergency fodder at a state and national level.

“Farmers are really grateful,” said Creighton. 

“They don’t want to sell stock they may need for future breeding. Many try to hide their emotions. They are desperate.

“One farmer even came out at Christmas with a hamper and a leg of lamb.”

Farmers receive care packages as well as the donated hay.

“Farm dogs also get a special treat.”

Loaded up with hay Creighton and his semi-trailer left the Kent’s property bound for South Australia unaware of exactly where the hay bales would be sent. For more information on Need for Feed or to donate fodder go to needforfeed.org.