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Ride improves future vision

LAST month’s ‘Lions Ride for Sight’, based in Korumburra, was a great success despite the disappointment of organisers having to cancel the final day due to poor weather, with close to $78,000 raised for research into and treatment of vision loss.

Three sisters, all of whom have early stage macular degeneration, smashed their target of bringing in $10,000 for the cause, more than tripling that goal.

One of them, Sharon Oates of Inverloch, said on Wednesday the funds raised through sponsorship of the trio is nudging $31,000.

As reported in the Sentinel-Times prior to the ride, Sharon and two of her sisters, Kerry Fitzgerald and Leesa Willmott, were inspired to form ‘Team Sisters’ by their parents Colin and Pam, long-term Lions Club members who both have age-related macular degeneration.

Colin didn’t let his blindness hamper his fundraising efforts, with Pam acting as his driver.

Sharon drew on her many contacts, boosting the total raised.

The sisters faced different challenges in tackling the riding adventure.

Sharon had not ridden a bike since childhood but committed to completing the required training.

“Fail to prepare, prepare to fail,” was the motto that drove her on.

Once the ride commenced, she enjoyed the assistance of an electric motor, in contrast to Kerry who was almost defeated by a big hill coming out of Loch.

“She was that exhausted she couldn’t even cry,” Sharon said.

Sharon had her own doubts after a tough day’s riding.

It took a hearty cup of soup and salad roll to restore her enthusiasm after the draining challenge of keeping pace with other riders, with that culinary boost staving off thoughts of quitting.

However, such was the sister trio’s commitment to completing the event, the cancellation of the final day prompted them to tackle the last stage of the ride at a later date, something they successfully negotiated.

Despite the arduous nature of the ‘Ride for Sight’, Sharon appreciated the different perspective she experienced on a bike, saying in a car you don’t get to enjoy seeing little birds or interesting plants by the roadside.

Around 164 kilometres were covered in the two riding days of the planned three-day event.

Seven people elected to tackle the four-week ‘Ride for Sight’ challenge instead, setting their own riding goals and contributing to the fundraising effort.

Team Sisters may tackle both the multi day ride and the separate challenge next year.

The support shown to riders by event volunteers and others, and the generosity of donors were greatly appreciated by all participants and organisers.

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