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Better protection for cats and wildlife

2 min read

EARLIER this month a $300,000 trial program to increase cat desexing rates in targeted areas across Victoria was launched. 

The program is a bid to promote responsible cat ownership by providing free and low-cost desexing programs, funded by the State Government. 

The announcement emerged off the back of figures released from 2023 reports on the total number of cats and kittens euthanized across Victoria’s animal pounds and shelters.

Of 25,193 felines that went through the doors of an animal pound or shelter, 6,535 of these were euthanized – almost a quarter. 

These reports are being used to inform government policy planning and programs such as the current trial, to see improvements in welfare outcomes for felines in shelters and pounds.

Local councils can apply for grants of up to $25,000 to deliver free and low-cost desexing to areas with problem cat populations or support Victorians who may be experiencing financial hardship. 

The program aims to increase cat desexing rates, reduce impoundment and euthanasia rates, and improve cat welfare and council registration rates.  

The South Gippsland Shire Council has commented that they are very interested in the program and are keen to apply, pending further investigation of the guidelines etc, while the Bass Coast Shire

Council did not respond to requests for information regarding the grants.  

A draft long term cat management strategy has also been released by the State Government for consultation and Victorian cat owners and the wider community are invited to comment. 

The strategy looks at ways to improve cat welfare and provide support to expand cat containment programs and education programs. 

The strategy also addresses the challenges of unowned and semi owned cats, which make up the majority of the cat intake at pounds and shelters. 

It will look at ways to promote full and responsible ownership of these cats and target programs to capture, desex and adopt them out. 

The strategy will also explore ways to improve feral cat management and facilitate increased information sharing between local councils of successful cat management practices.  

It will also seeks deliver more flexible council registration options, that will incentivise cat owners to register, desex and better contain their cats. 

Cat management is a significant and complex issue – with more than 227,000 registered cats and a significant number of unregistered, unowned, or feral cats in Victoria. 

Unowned and feral cat populations often overlap with biodiverse environments, increasing animal welfare and environmental issues, as well as challenges for local communities. 

The strategy has been developed following extensive research, expert insights, and engagement with councils, animal welfare organisations, land managers, conservation groups and veterinary professionals. 

The Labor Government invested $1.3 million from the Victorian Budget 2022/23 to develop three cat management initiatives including a cat management strategy.