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Seven new Australian citizens call South Gippsland home

2 min read

IN A CEREMONY held in the council chambers of the South Gippsland Shire Council last night, seven conferees officially became Australian citizens. 
Since Australian citizenship was introduced in 1949, more than six million people have become citizens by conferral. 
In 2022-23, 192,947 people received their citizenship, representing over 200 different nationalities, with the top three nationalities from India, UK and the Philippines. 
The seven new Australian citizens who can now officially call South Gippsland home, hailed from the Netherlands, India, New Zealand, China, Belgium and the United Kingdom. 
The South Gippsland Brass Band played a wonderful instrumental version of, I Still Call Australia Home, to a slide show of iconic Australian people, places, events and animals.
South Gippsland Shire Council CEO, Kerryn Ellis opened the ceremony and handed it over to Mayor Clare Williams who presided over the event, and in the absence of Andrew Giles MP Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, read a speech from him. 
Part of which follows. 
“Thank you for deciding to become an Australian citizen today. You join the nation that is one of the world's most successful multicultural societies. With around half of all Australians either born overseas or with at least one parent born overseas in Australia, everyone can be proud of who they are and everyone should be respected, valued and feel a sense of belonging.” 
“We are privileged to share this beautiful country with the world's oldest continuing culture. This is a fundamental part of who we are. For more than 60,000 years, First Nations people have cared for our country, appreciating and understanding this truth is the vital part of what it means to be Australian.”
 “Australians are united by our shared commitment to democracy and the rule of law and to freedom of speech, religion and association.”
“On behalf of the Australian government, heartfelt congratulations on becoming an Australian citizen.” 
South Gippsland Shire Councillors then presented the conferees with their Australian Citizenship Certificate and an Australian Native plant.
Many of the conferees chose to make South Gippsland home due to the beauty of the area, including the hills, forests, beaches and the variety of flora and fauna. 
The ceremony concluded with attendees singing the Australian National Anthem.