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No more woke councillors

1 min read

THE diversity, equality and inclusion that make up our current Bass Coast Council needs to be replaced with character, integrity, and wisdom.

Let’s get rid of the politics of the type that Labor left people espouse because it’s a feely good proposition that does absolutely nothing for our society.

In fact, it makes it worse for all sorts of reasons, not the least, it divides us. It makes us second-rate.

It annoys the hell out of those who actually want to achieve something.

Fatima Payman ticked the woke box, Rachael Gunn, Lidia Thorpe, Alan Joyce and the AFL all ticked the box. Five current Bass Coast Councillors have ticked the woke box too.

Race and gender should not be the criteria for selection or promotion. We should reward effort and talent to provide incentive for self-development. Without that, the risk is that high achievers may lose their drive and the whole country, and our shire, suffers as a result and we all slip into mediocrity.

Greg Box you may disagree with this, but you will find 65 per cent of ratepayers agree with me. Selection based on race or sex is in itself racist and should be called out as discriminating.

Let’s hit the hard reset button before woke destroys sensible behaviour and our lifestyle. From now on it’s “revoke the woke”. Let’s get back the real Spirit of Australia that the majority of us want.

Rob Parsons, The Gurdies