Letters to the editor
Nyora’s time has come

IN WHAT is or will be the shire’s fastest growing township, Nyora’s infrastructure requirements continues to be put in the too-hard basket and is in the proverbial “kick the can down the road” position of Council.

In 2016 our rates of around $100,000 produced a consultant’s report Future Nyora – Nyora Development Strategy – of over 100 pages, action taken to date nil. Another report completed in 2020 – Northern Nyora Development Plan – and in April 2023 Council recognised Nyora’s growth but has failed to implement recommendations from the above reports nor has any money been allocated in this year’s budget and future forecasts.

Nyora’s current population of 1664, projected to be around 3000 in 12 years’ time, will make Nyora South Gippsland Shire’s third largest township but it lacks the basic infrastructure for a town of its size now, let alone the future.

Reports show that millions of dollars must be spent on drainage, kerb and channel, footpaths, Early Childcare Centre (kinder) for example. The current Councillors have failed to put money for new footpath extensions in last year’s budget, with $115K this year all going to the Tarwin Ward and zero for the following three years, it clearly demonstrates that Nyora will continue to be neglected under this regime.

Nyora’s population is double that of Meeniyan, and has a third more children from 0 to 4 years of age, yet Meeniyan is getting a new Early Childhood Centre and Nyora is left languishing. Hundreds of new housing blocks are on the verge of being house-ready, yet works and facilities needed in the township have not been done.

My commitment if elected, is to work to have the necessary budget to action the works and facilities needed by Nyora are delivered in this coming term of Council. As a potential Councillor, I promise, if elected to keep the community informed. Council has recognised the plan for Nyora to grow but has not budgeted for the infrastructure to service the growth. It’s time!

Jim Forbes, Poowong, candidate Strzelecki Ward.

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