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One job councillors, represent us

1 min read

From last week’s article ‘Big brother oversteps the mark’ I am grateful we have one South Gippsland councillor, Nathan Hersey, who has taken a position against further surveillance in our community under the Electronic Surveillance Data Usage Policy.

The naivety shown by other councillors is amazing with one quoted as saying she’d happily lived in China. Did she not encounter China’s social credit system, or does she think living under such a system is a good thing?

On another, but not unrelated, matter is your editorial exposing Bass Coast Shire’s giving $50,000 of ratepayers’ money to a private organisation, as your final paragraph sums up, “ratepayers funds are to be spent here doing what the council’s vision says we should be doing...” or as another recently said “councillors only have one job, to represent the community”.

Steve Finlay, Leongatha