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Community grants help get things done in South Gippsland

2 min read

SIXTEEN organisations and groups shared in $83,750 worth of funding when South Gippsland Shire Council’s latest round of Community Grants was announced on Wednesday evening in Leongatha.

The grants were distributed across three categories, ‘Developing Community Assets’, ‘Building Community Capacity and Culture’ and ‘Strengthening Community Sport’.

Four recipients were awarded the maximum $10,000 amount, Korumburra Amateur Swimming & Life Saving Club one of those, the funding going towards resurfacing the Korumburra Heated Swimming Pool, the project budgeted at $26,460.

Meeniyan Dumbalk United Football Netball Club got $10,000 for netball facility upgrades costing a total of just over $22,000.

A further $10,000 went to Leongatha Rotary Club towards the purchase of equipment required for its annual Leongatha Art and Photography Show, such as new display stands and signage, the overall cost being $65,615.

“We’re over the moon,” Leongatha Rotary’s David Panther said, explaining that the funding will enable the club to put more money into its projects.

He noted a lot of the fittings required for the Art Show will also be loaned to other community groups.

Foster Bowls Club’s Mark Taylor described its $10,000 grant as “Manna from Heaven” as he broke from protocol to deliver a brief thank you speech to the council.

Afterwards, he told the Sentinel-Times the funding will bring the club within 
striking distance of replacing its 16-year-old green that is being held together with silicon and has long surpassed its lifespan.

While the total project cost is over $200,000, the club has been fundraising industriously over recent years, through initiatives such as its social ‘Jack Attack’ competition, dinners for local organisations including Rotary and Probus and wedding receptions.

Although most of the grant recipients were local, Wangaratta-based North East Windsport Club is an exception.

The club is hosting the Australian Open Blokart Championships in Waratah Bay, a place that offers more reliable wind than its normal Springhurst track.

Blokart is a popular class of compact land yacht manufactured by a New Zealand company of that name, with the action at Waratah Bay taking place between March 20 and 24 this year.

The club’s Michael Reid explained that the $2,500 grant will assist it to keep costs affordable for participants, helping pay for catered lunches and a presentation dinner, that catering to be handled by local businesses, the Waratah Bay Caravan Park and the Fish Creek Hotel, keeping the money in South Gippsland Shire.

After enjoying a bite to eat and a positive vibe, happy grant recipients were treated to a look around the Art & Photography Show, Leongatha Rotary Club generously throwing open the doors.

The next round of the Community Grants Program is open until March 31.

Visit grants@southgippsland.vic.gov.au for information and to apply.