AN ARRAY of local organisations and those they benefit received funding towards projects and equipment in the latest round of South Gippsland Shire Community Grants, announced at a Leongatha ceremony on Wednesday night, with 23 grants awarded.
$119,500 was handed out in the second round of Community Grants for 2023/2024 across four major categories, being ‘Developing Community Assets’ ($51,050), ‘Building Community Capacity’ ($27,500), ‘Strengthening Community Sport’ ($22,500), and ‘Creating Community Culture’ ($18,450).
Leongatha’s historic grandstand needs extensive work, fixing its three staircases expected to cost $55,979, with the $7500 Community Grant towards that cost greatly appreciated by those on the Leongatha Recreation Reserve Committee of Management.
Port Welshpool Flotilla - Australian Volunteer Coastguard Association can now avoid the risk of bringing its vessel too close to a boat in distress needing to be towed, thanks to the purchase of a remote controlled lifebuoy that will take a tow rope to those in need, with a community grant of $2000 towards the $7920 cost.
For those who missed out or have a new community project or initiative needing funding assistance, applications for Round 1 of the 2024/2025 Community Grants Program are open until the end of August.